National Strategy for Combating Terrorism


molṑn labé
Staff member
In public, the U.S. government has made an effort to avoid linking the terrorist threat to Islam and the Quran while dismissing suicide terrorists as crazed heretics who pervert Islamic teachings.

But internal Pentagon briefings show intelligence analysts have reached a wholly different conclusion after studying Islamic scripture and the backgrounds of suicide terrorists. They've found that most Muslim suicide bombers are in fact students of the Quran who are motivated by its violent commands – making them, as strange as it sounds to the West, "rational actors" on the Islamic stage.

In Islam, it is not how one lives one's life that guarantees spiritual salvation, but how one dies, according to the briefings. There are great advantages to becoming a martyr. Dying while fighting the infidels in the cause of Allah reserves a special place and honor in Paradise. And it earns special favor with Allah.

"Suicide in defense of Islam is permitted, and the Islamic suicide bomber is, in the main, a rational actor," concludes a recent Pentagon briefing paper titled, "Motivations of Muslim Suicide Bombers."


It's not a holy war is it.
Not to worry, it's a peace-loving religion. Anyone who thinks like this report is a hate monger and a racist and a xenophobe and all kinds of other names. These poor innocent repressed misunderstood misrepresented disadvantaged victimized brave people are to be admired for their perseverence in the face of the onslaught they face, all of which is Bush's fault. If only we would leave them alone, we could all join hands, sing Kumbaya, and celebrate a better, more unified world. Like when there was peace in the Middle East. We all remember those simpler, happier times, right?


We now return you to the normal SnP, already in progress.

Nuke 'em. Tomorrow. Early. Before breakfast. They want a fatwah, let's give 'em one they won't forget IF they survive it.
I think we need to nuke the south. All southerners must want the world destroyed like SouthernN'Proud so for the protection of the planet we got to do it.
Anyone on this soil who wants to see the country destroyed can be deported, shot on sight, whatever floats the boat. But go they must.

Who decides what constitutes "see this country destroyed" is. Frankly, my definition includes gays, gay supporters, divorcees, politicians, lawers, Califorinians (smile Spike, it's a joke), pot activists, etc.
Who decides what constitutes "see this country destroyed" is. Frankly, my definition includes gays, gay supporters, divorcees, politicians, lawers, Califorinians (smile Spike, it's a joke), pot activists, etc.

I think he means physically attacked or an extreme liberal (Californian)...:D
Do I get my peanuts before or after you shoot the plane out from under me? Complimentary drinks trolley? First class or Social Baggage class?
If it's any consolation, once you and yours are gone, we'll quit worrying about peanut alergies and offending tender souls, and go back to enjoying cartoons with smoking mice, and sending peanut butter sandwiches to school with our kids.
If it's any consolation, once you and yours are gone, we'll quit worrying about peanut alergies and offending tender souls, and go back to enjoying cartoons with smoking mice, and sending peanut butter sandwiches to school with our kids.
