Natural Gas Prices


molṑn labé
Staff member
So NIPSCO, our local gas supplier, sends an invitation for me & my family to enroll in this great deal they have. It's called PPS (Price Protection Service). Using such an outstanding service will not only increase my wifes sex drive & my potency, it'll cause my kid to never get acne in his teens & my in-laws to leave us a fortune.

However, they want us to commit to paying .0925/therm for a year.

I'll stick to poor in-laws, a pimply kid, & begging for half assed sex, thanks.
You trying to tell us something, Gonz? You're begging your inlaws for ass sex with a pimply kid?
If when you marry, her parents become your inlaws, do they become your outlaws if you divorce?

Is your wife one of your inlaws too?

If you marry both twins, is it still bigamy?
Maybe I should've taken 'em up on the offer...

9/10/05 said:
PPS Fixed Price Option - $1.274/therm (Effective 9/2/05)

PPS Capped Price Option - $1.523/therm (Effective 9/2/05) (plus $10.49 fee for residential rate 311 or $0.129 /therm for rates 315, 316, 317, 321 and 325)

stupid hurricanes
We've got one that's fluctuating off the coast. We're 2 steps from evac mode here...
Ironically, Ophelia is doing more damage to Florida than Katrina did to New Orleans & it's being ignored.
Gonz said:
Ironically, Ophelia is doing more damage to Florida than Katrina did to New Orleans & it's being ignored.

Guess they can only oversensationalize one disaster at a time.
.989/therm here in the summer so far. Tis sure to go ape over the winter. Its sooo fun when the gas bill goes from $40 to $400 in the blink of an eye.
...And now you know why I got all new windows this year. The house is a hell of a lot closer to airtight.
Yep! However, I laid down a hyper-strong perimeter o' death around the outside of the house of diazinon last weekend. Haven't seen an ant since.
A question about that ivy you're got in the front yard. I've got a bit of it growing here (couldn't get kudzu, no matter how I tried). How tolerant is that of cold? It's rooted well, and I want to get it into soil as early as possible.
Damned if I know. The issue we have down here is keeping the shit under control, but we only see sub zero temps (F) about once every other year. You guys deal with that for half of every year.

This guy seems to think you'll be fine.
HomeLAN said:
...And now you know why I got all new windows this year. The house is a hell of a lot closer to airtight.
Just don't get it completely airtight. That'll give you more problems than you'd wish for.
True, but it used to be that you could literally hear the wind wistle through my front entrance hall. No more.