NBC's 'Fear Factor' Sued for Rat-Eating Episode

:hmm: @ tonks

RE: story... what a nong. I mean, they always have a gross-out eating segment - usually some disgusting stuff. Hafta say, rats are some of the least disgusting stuff that they consume on that show.... :shrug:
"NBC is sending the wrong message to its TV watchers that cash can make or have people do just about anything beyond reasoning (sic) and in most cases against their will."

But it's OK for the network to pay you for not changing the channel?

The stunt may have been beyond reason . . . possibly. But "against their will"? I've never seen the show, but aren't the contestants voluntary? :lloyd:
Sharky said:
The stunt may have been beyond reason . . . possibly. But "against their will"? I've never seen the show, but aren't the contestants voluntary? :lloyd:

Yep. They volunteer for that in order to win cash. They don't eat, they don't win.

BTW, tonksy...rats are edible. The reason behind not eating them is that most people don't cook them enough...and rats can carry a few diseases that would incapacitate you for a while. ;) Not that it tastes good (greasy).
Gato_Solo said:
Yep. They volunteer for that in order to win cash. They don't eat, they don't win.

BTW, tonksy...rats are edible. The reason behind not eating them is that most people don't cook them enough...and rats can carry a few diseases that would incapacitate you for a while. ;) Not that it tastes good (greasy).
i guess the navy figured we be too impatient to eat some chow to cook it right :shrug:

BoP? why are you :hmm:ing at me? i meant to type 2 and was busted by luis before i could edit.
They oughta sue the show for Mass Insult to Intelligence and Decency. It is proof that some people would watch absolutely anything.
Yes...it was the fleas that caused the plague.

It's not tape-worm...that's a problem, too, but you can live with that and not be incapacitated in the least. It's basically the bacteria and virii that live in the rat get into the muscle (meat). Cooking over an open fire, which is what you'd be doing if you're eating rat, gives you almost nil temperature control, so you don't know if the microbes are dead or not. ;)

Links and recipe found here...
BeardofPants said:
I thought it was the fleas on the rats that were the problem? :confused:
The fleas are for spice . . . like pepper. :lol2:

tonksy said:
in louisiana they eat nutria rat...but i think that's actually closer to a beaver.

Nutria are actually quite tasty . . . especially in boudin.

The big difference between nutria and rats as food is the fact that nutria are strict herbivores and will only eat fresh vegetation, whereas rats are scavengers and will eat just about anything. And, of course, nutria have those big orange toofies. :brush:
BeardofPants said:
Hafta say, rats are some of the least disgusting stuff that they consume on that show.... :shrug:
the sheep eyeballs did it for me...never watched it again :sick:
tonksy said:
have you ever seen princess bride? remember the R.O.U.S's? rodents of unusual size?
Haven't seen that, but capybaras come to mind . . .


From The Capybara Page

The capybara, Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris, is a semi-aquatic rodent of South America. It weighs about a hundred pounds, and is about 2 feet tall at the shoulder. To help you imagine the size of a capybara, click on the image to the right to see a picture including a human being (5 ft. tall) for scale. The two capybaras on the right are adults, the rest are juveniles.

A two-foot-tall hundred pound rat?!? Yikes . . . :eek: