paul_valaru said:
Scripture, the carefully picked and edited backbone of the church.
Translated mostly from aramaic recopied and edited 100's of times.
The church lies to people to further their own agenda.
You have an a priori judgement about Scripture. I suggest you do some research about the Dead Sea Scrolls.
flavio said:
Possessed by demons?! Oh no!
At that time demons were everywhere because people believed low morales, sickness, mental illness, etc were all caused by demon possession.
Now that we know better stop with the demon stuff.
That is true, however, that does not negate that there were demon possessions then. The Catholic Church still performs exorcisms today.
I do not know if you believe in demons or not. But I'm just going by my faith and what Scripture says. To argue if demons exist is rather pointless here.
flavio said:
They actually use the Gnostic Gospels! I like how they are selective in the text to validate the importance of Mary Magdalene. Yet, they fail to mention Jesus' view of women according to the Gnostics:
Simon Peter said to them, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven." (Gospel of Thomas 114)
flavio said:
Certainly doesn't mean he didn't want women to be priests either. Did he say "no women priests" somewhere? Did Jesus know what a priest was?
But of course. He was a Rabbi.
flavio said:
Society is constantly changing. Are you saying God is incapable of adjusting to changes in society?
There is no
need for women priests and it is evident that God's Will does not permit it.
falvio said:
1. Women can act like Christ
2. People aren't thinking "hey, he looks like Christ" when they go to church.
3. If there actually was any importance to looking like Christ it is far outweighed by the need for women to be equals. There is no reason why women shouldn't be priests, bishops, cardinals, or popes.
You are missing the point. Here is some biblical backing and some articles that will convey why women can not become priests for all those who are not merely being contentious and want to understand:
Jesus chose certain men to participate in his mission: Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16; 1 Tim 3:1-13; 2 Tim 1:6; Titus 1:5-9
Jesus gives the Twelve a share in his authority: Luke 9:2:
Through them he directs the Church: Luke 22:29-30:
The priest acts in the place of Christ: Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; 2 Cor 5:20; Gal 4:14
No one has a right to receive the sacrament of Holy Orders: Hebrews 5:4
On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit filled both men and women, but the proclamation of the fulfillment of the prophecies in Jesus was made only by "Peter and the Eleven": Acts 2:1-14
The women who worked with the Apostles were never considered for ordination: Rom 16:3-12; Phil 4:3, Acts 18:26
Women and the Priesthood
Woman Priests--No Chance
chcr said:
Gotholic said:
Women are not oppressed by the Catholic Church.
Care to enlighten me?