Need a FREE firewall


New Member
I was doing some system maintenance and I guess I deleted something pertaining to Norton Internet security,because I kept getting an Error on boot up about a trouble with NIS and the sytem would reboot.Symantec website says its not caused by a "nasty" ,but I just need to reinstall :rolleyes: several hours later after deleting everything in Registry the the Symantec site says I need to to enable a reinstall and still no go :grr:.I gave in and downloaded Zonealarm ,but it still sucks IMO,{I had tried it several years ago and finally gave in a purchased NIS. }

There has to be something better and free out there???
give ZA a go for a few days...I REALLY hated it after NIS but I've got used to it now and it's not so bad. :eh:

mebbe if you clean the registry out of all the NIS junk it'll let you reinstall? I *think* I had to do that once.
All is good in the world once more ,I used the RnisUPG.exe uninstall utility to remove the corrupt install and then reinstalled NIS , :swing:

ZA would not play nice with web pages and images it also would not allow my "webcam screensaver" to update its images{even if I turned it off :alienhuh: } .I use the SS to display the weather road conditions for my wife ,its easier than have to pull the up the info when she wants to know what the roads are like.