Need some help from the ladies!

AZO works really well for temp relief from discomfort until you get to the doctor. It is by no means meant as a cure...thou, I too have fought them off with cranberry juice and AZO...I was usually at the doc with in a month or so with a kidney infection as well.

So I guess I really wasn't fighting them off.
I called, and they have no appointments until next week, so I took one then. *handonhip

My symptoms literally stopped the same day they started, and I've not had them again since. I've been keeping up with the water and cranberry though, and I have Uristat on hand in case the symptoms restart.

Now I just have to wait until next Monday at 11 am :(
BeardofPants said:
it can spread up to the kidneys which is painful.

not to mention it could kill you. my mom always drilled that into my head from an early age (she's not crazy i promise!)

i'm set to go to the doc myself, on the 12th for my yearly woman-exam, i'm going to have them check that out too, sometimes i feel like i get little mini uti's, and i wonder if i've really had the same one for a little while, and considering what my mom's always said, i are scared :(
Ye know - I am starting to think I am the only woman here who has never had UTI.

Must be something wrong with me :shrug:
FluerVanderloo said:
I think I've got a UTI. :grumpy:

The symptoms just started this morning (felt like I had to go twice in an hour, only went a little bit, the second time it hurt like hell and there was a little bit of pink on the tissue, and cloudy urine), so I started drinking cranberry juice, and when that's gone I'll be drinking water nonstop. I really, really want to avoid going to the doctor because I'll be put on antibiotics and that will screw up my Pill.

Is there anything you've found that clears it up before a doctor's appointment is necessary?

Stay away from antibiotics if you can, they screw your whole system up and should be avoided.

Same goes for the pill, but thats another story.

I get UTI every now and then. Forget the cranberry Juice, it's not strong enough to treat it. Go to the health shop/pharmacy/chemist and get high potency cranberry tablets, follow the instructions for treatment and it it'll clear up in a day or two. Keep taking them though, even if you think its gone.

Easy as that.

If it doesn't work within a few days then go to the doctor ASAP and get checked for STD's again.
I have an UTI...I'm not having the sex but I still get the infection...WTF! All day I couldn't stop thinking of this thread. I went to the pharmacy because all the walk in clinics were closed by the time I clued in to what was going on and the pharmacist prompty send me off in the direction of the nearest emergency room (they have a "minor treatment centre" after hours for things that one would normally go to a walk-in clinic for) hour after first walking into the hospital I had a script for antibiotics which I will take religously for the next 5 days.

The emergency room was actually kinda freaky...when I was bring triaged they were talking about some patient who was on her way in who from what I gathered was a regular with some sort of mental illness who often caused trouble, they were rounding up the security to be on full alert...I was very relieved when they sent me off to the waiting area for "minor" issues...away from all the muttering people (who looked to be homeless) and the girl who was throwing up and crying at the same time (the girl was like 20 or something)...the people in the "minor" waiting area had more normal problems like a broken arm that had gotten re-injured somehow...and only moments after arriving I was ushered into a lovely room where they do eye exams. eyes freak me out, I did not enjoy the posters outlining all of the parts of an eye...luckily I had the foresight to buy a magazine so I focused on that. Anyway, yeah, I was thinking of this thread the whole time so I figured I'd post about my experience.
A UTI is a lot different than any sort of sexual infection. Drink more water and cranberry juice.
A UTI is a lot different than any sort of sexual infection. Drink more water and cranberry juice.

UTIs are often caused by sex should always pee after sex to prevent getting one...I know it's not the ONLY way to get one...and I drink plenty of water.
Apparently this time I've also got the less common symptom of lower abdominal pain...god damn! :mad:
Doesn't every girl feel the need to pee after sex?

I know I do...but I don't tend to know much about other girl's post sex habits...infact all of the people that I have any knowledge about such intimate things about are members of this board...I just dont' discuss such things with people I interact with mostly IRL (that may have something to do with the fact that most of them are guys).
I usually don't have to pee after sex... actually, I try to bee before sex because holding in pee while trying to cum is distracting.
Its almost impossible for a guy to pee ex post facto because of the sheer mechanics of the plumbing involved. You need a few minutes.
I understand boys have different bits.

I think Inky was either having a "slow moment" or else he just felt left out :D If he really feels left out he should try getting a UTI, he'll never feel "left out" again.