Need to know

Nobody has had to balls to call a war a war since 1945. The Congress has the authority & must pass some form of permission for the President. Authority or Declaration....war is war...even if it's not politically correct.
war is war. no argument there.
however in the political arena, where semantics matter, i am sure there is a legal distinction between a declaration of war and specific statutory authorization.
Dave said:
i am sure there is a legal distinction between a declaration of war and specific statutory authorization.

If you find it, let us know, will you? I've yet to come across a non-political difference.
it seems to me that the difference would be that the Times is publishing facts about operations in the Middle East that could be construed as treason if a declaration of war was in place. during WWII, news articles were censored so that only good stuff was presented to the populace. anyone printing negative or sensitive info would be charged with treason. such measures were not in place during Vietnam, Gulf I or Gulf II. none of those conflicts were direct declarations of war. subtle differences on the homefront, but differences none the less.
All these branches of government are too cumbersome. If we could just have one branch, oh, say the execuitive, things would be so much easier. [/colbert]
yeah I say declare war


"dump a shitload of ordnance on them"

"Ordnance is a general term for a quantity of military equipment, usually specifying the ammunition for artillery, bombs, or other large weapons."

"The military term ordnance should not be confused with the civil term ordinance."

"Ordinance can mean:

* A law made by a non-sovereign body such as a city council or a colony.
* In some countries, including India, France (ordonnance), Switzerland and Germany (Verordnung), a regulation adopted by the executive in a domain normally reserved for statute law after the authorization of parliament.
* A piece of internal regulation in a university
* That which is ordained or decreed by fate or a deity.
* An event of special significance in Baptist and other Congregational Christian churches, such as the Lord's Supper or Baptism
* An important ritual within Mormonism

It should not be confused with ordnance, which describes ammunition, explosive devices and similar items. See also Ordnance Survey (mapmakers); Master-General of the Ordnance."