New $20's ?


New Member
Watcha think of them? Sure everyone has prob gotten one. Money is money, spend it the same as before, :lol2:
I think they're cool looking. I like the pretty colors. Whenever I had Canadians in my cab, they'd always complain how all our money is the same color and they can't tell one denomination from another.
Well who's laughing now?

Also, I like the way Canadian money looks, with pictures of their national pastime on the back (hockey).

Maybe we should put pictures of baseball or football on the back of our money. And by football I mean American for all you UKers and everyone else in the world.
I think it really sucks that we have to spend tax money on a scale like this to keep ahead of counterfeiters. But fake twenties are really common. Also, there's been a rash of fake 100s at several fast-food restaurants in my area lately. The guy printed the "100" on top of the five, so that the counterfeit detector pen would show it's a legit bill... and the person taking the bill didn't notice that most $100 bills don't have Lincoln's picture on them.
pc_builder said:
I think they're cool looking. I like the pretty colors. Whenever I had Canadians in my cab, they'd always complain how all our money is the same color and they can't tell one denomination from another.
Well who's laughing now?

Also, I like the way Canadian money looks, with pictures of their national pastime on the back (hockey).
Not ALL of our bills have hockey...unless I am mistaken it is only the 5...

and ALL your other bills ARE still the same colour!!

green = $20, blue = $5, purply = $10, pinky = $50

you know what kinda money always used to confuse me in foriegn countries? the coins. everywhere you go all these damn coins....all for different amounts...i ain't the greatest at math so inevitably i would spend all my bills first and the night would end with a very drunk tonky and a massive handful of change in my open hand for the bartender to count for me....always got a chuckle, sometimes i miss the navy. and whats with the coins with the holes in the center?...there must be a reason for this...kinda neat actually. what i want to know is exactly how many canadian pennies are in circulation in southern louisiana? because i am constatly getting them as change...
I think they are nice for a while, but around my area there are already counterfits for the new bill going around. Hmm, I guess they really put a stop to it.
I'm thinking the same thing as Inky, first of all, how much are these changes costing us? Second, here is a little scenario, you own a small business, a person wants to spend 20 bucks on something, are you not supposed to take the old 20? So you turn down the sale becuase they don't have a "new" 20? How asinine is that? How about hunting down the counterfeiters?
By the way, one more thing about counterfeiting. I think the government is making a bigger problem out of it than it really is. Why? Well of course, the bigger the problem is, the more they can convince us to use that little universal cash card.
*raises eyebrow*

You are not allowed to spend the old money? That is BONKERS!

We are still allowed to spend old bills but they aren't suppose to give them out for change I don't think. They have to put them in the bank and then the back just takes them out of circulation *shrug*
Well, I see it like this, what good is the new money if you are still going to let people spend the old money? I mean, if the new money is pretty hard to counterfiet, but you can still spend the old money, why not just print up a few bills of the old money? It's all just stupid.
Well, EVENTUALLY they will stop taking the old money I guess...or atleast if you try to spend the old money like awhile from now they will get very suspicious and go extra serious checks on it. They won't stop taking the old money right away though. The new bills won't stop counterfeiting right will take a bit to get the old ones out of the system...and even if stores stop accepting them and you happen to find one stuffed in the pocket of last year's winter coat you can still take it to the bank :)
1. They can't refuse to accept the old bills bacause it states right on them that "This Note Is Legal Tender For All Debts, Public And Private"

2. The banks will begin extracting the old currency and exchanging it for 'new'. But, if you hold on to one for another 20 years, it will still be legal tender. Providing, of course, that it isn't counterfeit.

3. This redesign was neccessitated by the recent advancements in digital imaging.
Well, we just got done changing from the old 20 to the new 20 a few years ago. The new one was supposed to be much more secure than the old one. Apparently not, by the way, there are still old ones in circulation. So now, we're changing it again. And I suppose we'll see the change go to the 100, the 10 and the 5 just like it did last time. So in a few years we have the old 20, the new 20,and the new new 20. And most places will still take them all, so what good has it done? None, becuase now there will be three different looking bills, all three maybe good, maybe counterfiet. Which one is which, what do you look for on each?

So, about 2010, when the new new bills are proven to be just as easy to counterfiet, the treasury says enough, we've spent millions of dollars trying to fight this and can't, so.. Here is your new cash, all on this little card, take it to the bank, get your cash on it, and don't mind us if we track every cent you spend from now on.
It goes way beyond that, PT. They will know to the minute when every item is purchased and will eventually be able to raise prices at peak hours for every saleable item. The power of the database in a 'cashless' society would be devastating to the consumer...
True enough, the thought of being cashless scares the hell out of me. But my point for this thread is a prediction, they are using these money changes to point out how bad counterfieting is, I bet they use it as a reason down the road.
If I recall correctly, there was an attempt by Iran (I think) to flood our economy with billions in counterfeit bills. That raised the paranoia levels to new heights in Washington, and quickly gave us the ID strip in the new bills. That was a temporary fix till they got to this one.
PuterTutor said:
Well, we just got done changing from the old 20 to the new 20 a few years ago. The new one was supposed to be much more secure than the old one. Apparently not, by the way, there are still old ones in circulation. So now, we're changing it again. And I suppose we'll see the change go to the 100, the 10 and the 5 just like it did last time. So in a few years we have the old 20, the new 20,and the new new 20. And most places will still take them all, so what good has it done? None, becuase now there will be three different looking bills, all three maybe good, maybe counterfiet. Which one is which, what do you look for on each?

You are taking the case to the extreme, but even if that happens you can do it the way we do, there's a time that goes from 6 months to 1 year in which the 2 bills/coins are valid, after that period of time, the old bill/coin is no longer valid and only the bank will accept it.

Taking out the old money is really fast, last bill we "upgraded" was the 20, and in less than 2 months the old bills were almost inexistant.
PuterTutor said:
So, about 2010, when the new new bills are proven to be just as easy to counterfiet, the treasury says enough, we've spent millions of dollars trying to fight this and can't, so.. Here is your new cash, all on this little card, take it to the bank, get your cash on it, and don't mind us if we track every cent you spend from now on.

That's what we do already here in NZ. It's called an eftpos card. :shrug: