New default posting options

There are always going to be those certain people, regardless of any features that are installed on the board. Taking it away or leaving it isn't going to change that. It isn't our job to keep those certain people in line either, I think the mods can handle that.
Which in and of itself is a lose-lose proposition causing tempers to flare all the more. Friends come and go... but enemies are forever.
:confuse3: I don't understand, what's a lose-lose propostion? Keeping the feature?

I don't think the mods should be responsible for someone's temper or desire to hold a grudge. I think they can address that if they step out of line but not as a basis for adding or taking away features. Wanting to keep a feature away from the rest of the members because someone has a grudge against one or two members that might use it is unfair. Maybe I'm misinterpreting your last post but I really don't understand it what you were trying to say. :confbang:
Well...I thought it was hilairious. Best laugh I've had in a long while and I really needed that. Obviously, the novelty would have worn off quickly and the trick element would disappear, but it was fun for a moment. The mouse-over would have solved the issues problem. Kudos, fury, for your attempt to relax some sphincters.

edited for speeling...again
The lose lose effect is the way admin and mods feel when they make any kind of move as well as the way members feel that they are walking about on eggshells in everything that they say and do. If something is changed... people screech. If things remain static... people mumble. If something is added ... concerns arise equal to the strength of the 'we love it' crowd. If that object is modified... people complain that admin is knuckling to pressure. If an object is removed ... the howls are redoubled. If a member is allowed to assault freely ... it drives people batty. If admin tries to lower the boom on someone... it drives people more batty. Any move is percieved as a wrong one because the only voices being heard are the ones that have a beef to vent. The 80% who are pro- or at least ambivilent don't speak up nearly as much... thats just human nature. If admin puts up a stony face and just says 'this is the way it is' ... they are seen as uncaring nazi douchebags who use thier power to censor their enemies. If admin lets things run amok ... they are percieved as uncaring useless douchebags who censor their critics. Its not really 1/3 as harsh as it all seems ... its just that all of the dirty laundry and arm twisting is so public that it has to be responded to ...sometimes harshly... sometimes in exasperated frustration. Its a mirror of the UN at large ... trying to square peg into a round hole.
I guess that if youve ever made more than one post on any board throughout the perpituity of the universe that everyone hates your guts and thinks that youre a self righteous limp wristed commie nazi stone faced cave in artist with two left feet that plays tea party games with an old box of star wars figurines.

cynical? moi? .. that'l never happen. ;)
I guess it all comes down to: The memory of your good deeds fade with time ... but the screwups never diminish. Once a reputation is laid down, it takes 10 times the energy to build it up than it takes to fuck it up.