
molṑn labé
Staff member
Just for ther fun of it

Drudge said:
Sun Aug 31 2003 17:46:00 ET


President Bill Clinton had the opportunity to stop, catch, or kill bin Laden more than twelve times during his presidency, a new book set for release this week claims!

And on at least two occasions through Drones and Global Positioning Systems the Clinton Administration knew exactly where bin Laden was -- and refused to take him out well after knowing he was as a national security threat.


Former WALL STREET JOURNAL editorial writer Richard Miniter and REGNERY Publishing are set for lift-off on LOSING BIN LADEN [ranked #52,682 on Amazon's hit parade Sunday evening].

A Novak column on the book is set for Monday, and the WASHINGTON TIMES will serialize later in the week, according to sources, but only the DRUDGE REPORT can present an exclusive first look:

LOSING alleges and details:

* Osama bin Laden’s rise to power and the September 11 attacks were due to the inactions and failures of former President Bill Clinton and key members of his administration who followed a law enforcement approach to fighting global terrorism as opposed to engaging a war on terrorism on national security grounds.

* How each failure by Clinton to retaliate made bin Laden look invincible in the Arab world, allowing bin Laden to attract new recruits and money.

* The 1993 World Trade Center attack --- documents how Clinton refused to believe it was a terrorist attack and viewed the bombing as an FBI investigation therefore blocking the CIA from entering the investigation on matters of national security.

* Drawn from secret Sudanese intelligence files, the full story of bin Laden's role in shooting down America's Black Hawk helicopters in Mogadishu, Somalia. This is the story that "Black Hawk Down" missed.

* President Clinton and a Democratic Senator Dennis DeConcini prevented the CIA from hiring Arabic translators-while bin Laden and Arabic-speaking terrorists killed Americans across the Near East.

* The story of Saudi Arabia's attempt to assassinate bin Laden in 1994.

* One of the FBI's most-trusted informants, Ali Mohammed, an Egyptian soldier, was given a military security clearance but was actually a double agent working for bin Laden.

* How the Administration engaged a policy to get Bin Laden removed from the Sudan back to Pakistan and Afghanistan only to get him closer to training camps and his recruits making him even more dangerous and embolden future terrorist acts.

* How Assistant Secretary of State for East Africa Affairs Susan Rice blocked opportunities to work with the Sudanese government looking to turn over bin Laden to the United States.

* Documents numerous Sudanese attempts to work with the United States to capture bin Laden only to be rejected by the US State Department.

* How the Monica Lewinsky and fundraising scandals, as well as a consuming desire to be re-elected, prevented Clinton from waging a war on terror and bin Laden and prevent 9/11.

* For more than two years Miniter interviewed soldiers, diplomats and intelligence operatives in Middle East, Africa, and Europe but found his best sources were, to his surprise, top level Clinton administration officials including former National Security Advisor Tony Lake, former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Clinton’s counterterrorism coordinator Richard Clarke, and former Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey.

At least the Shrubbery one had the decency to wait four months after 9/11 before he stopped his business dealings with the Bin Laden family:)
Gonz said:
President Bill Clinton had the opportunity to stop, catch, or kill bin Laden more than twelve times during his presidency

Where i don't give Bill all the credit for the amazing performance of our economy in the 90's i do credit him with the fact that we basically put off every important international issue so that we might better ourselves during that time. Except of course for the middle east peace process where he failed miserably. So now we're stuck with the compounded problems that we should have been dealing with 4-6-8-10 years ago but chose to ignore. Oh yeah i almost forgot that we fired some missiles at Bin-Laden when Clinton was in office. Can't forget to give him credit for that.
Hex said:
Oh yeah i almost forgot that we fired some missiles at Bin-Laden when Clinton was in office. Can't forget to give him credit for that.

Would that be a "two million dollar missile to blow up a ten dollar tent"? :D

Bleach-teh binLaden family has nothing to do with their wandering red-headed step-child.
Gonz said:
Bleach-teh binLaden family has nothing to do with their wandering red-headed step-child.

Neither has ethics.........I guess that's why he quit dealing with them eh? :lol2:
Slick Willie's a weasel.

From 9/1/03:
Osama's ‘terror summit’ in Afghanistan
Osama bin Laden held a ‘terror summit’ in Afghanistan to outline plans to use biological weapons in his next ‘unbelievable’ attacks, according to Taliban sources quoted by Newsweek magazine on Sunday.
‘Osama’s next step will be unbelievable,’ Newsweek quoted a ranking Taliban source as saying in an advance report of this week’s magazine.
‘His priority is to use biological weapons,’ the source told the magazine, claiming the al-Qaeda network already had such arms but now was addressing how to transport and disperse them.
The magazine quoted senior Taliban officials as saying that Osama, whose al-Qaeda network organised the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington in 2001, held his ‘terror summit’ in a mountain stronghold in Afghanistan in April following the fall of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
‘The plan was reported delayed and revised after the capture al-Qaeda operations chief Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in Rawalpindi in March,’ Newsweek reported.
Abu Zubaydah reveals Osama ties with Pakistan, S. Arabia

Clinton's speech in 8/98 : "No matter how long it takes or where it takes us, we will pursue terrorists until the cases are solved and justice is done." Don't tell me it was all b.s. to deflect from 'zippergate'...
Squiggy said:

The fact that bin Laden still wants to see every American dead makes you nod off? Further that ex-prez Clinton could've prevented the loss of life and destruction on 9-11 if he wasn't such a dillweed?
it would be so easy and convenient to find a single individual responsible for bin laden's actions. the president who let him go could be considered one of them. what about those in the security services who supplied the information that made him take that choice?

what about the presidents who sent him the guns and missiles to allow him to fight the soviets in afghanistan?

this is not about one man's failure, this is about the failure of a policy that the enemy of the enemy is our friend and using them when interests serve over the short term. saddam hussein, osama bin laden, dictators across the world, have been beneficiaries when it has suited us foreign policy and pariahs when it has not.

give clinton a whipping for letting him go by all means, but don't forget who it was made bin laden in the first place and whip them too.
And on at least two occasions through Drones and Global Positioning Systems the Clinton Administration knew exactly where bin Laden was -- and refused to take him out well after knowing he was as a national security threat.
Maybe it was the same Drones and GPS which found exactly where the WMDs were in Iraq...
The Other One said:
The fact that bin Laden still wants to see every American dead makes you nod off? Further that ex-prez Clinton could've prevented the loss of life and destruction on 9-11 if he wasn't such a dillweed?

Shame on Clinton for letting him go if he did, but make no mistake. 9-11 or something much like it would have still happened, Bin Laden or no. To take Bin Laden is only to make a martyr and strengthen the fanatic's cause. Somehow we must find a way to bridge the gap between the Arab peoples and our own. I am by no means saying we should not pursue and punish these Arab extremists, but the final solution will have to be much more than capturing any number of terrorists.
i'd agree with the part about bridging the gap between western societal values and arab cultures, but i don't think there are many in the arab world that would be too upset if bin laden turned up dead or captured.
AlladinSane said:
Maybe it was the same Drones and GPS which found exactly where the WMDs were in Iraq...

WMD who gives a crap. All you need is a $100 .22 caliber gun that can fit on a key chain to needlessly murder someone...and they not only had a hell of alot more powerful weapons than that...they would not hesitate to use them on innocent victims. Thats WMD enough in my book...
The Other One said:
The fact that bin Laden still wants to see every American dead makes you nod off? Further that ex-prez Clinton could've prevented the loss of life and destruction on 9-11 if he wasn't such a dillweed?

Maybe if Reagen & Bush hadn't armed him in the first place......But I realize you have problems with the right wing being at fault. Its called denial...They have people that can help you with it, ya know... :nerd:
Squiggy said:
Maybe if Reagen & Bush hadn't armed him in the first place......

C'mon, finish that first. Maybe if Reagan & Bush hadn't armed them the Soviet Union would have taken Afghanistan & possibly, the Soviet Union would be alive & well today.
I thought it had collapsed on itself? thats what I had learned was that it fell apart from the inside. Reagan had a hand in it by building up our defenses and the USSR went out cause they couldnt keep up?
close enough. If they had aquired more land & slaves couldn't they have gone on longer?