New film raises fears of Muslim outrage

bet your ass i do.

you brew? i just unpacked some brewing equipment...

No but a friend of mine does. We have a couple of microbrewries here in town -- The Pump House and Left Hand Brewery -- but the best is Odells in Fort Collins. They make an ale called "90 Schilling" that is sold over the counter in all of the liquor stores here that is to die for. Everyone that I have introduced to it has made it their favorite.

Let me know when you get here and we will take the tour if we can get together. My work hours suck. No weekends.
They were still posting when you were last there. So is it, that you don't recall them, or that you have no wish to disclose your feelings on the matter?

In all honesty, I don't know who they were/are. Never got that deeply involved there. I joined for a music discussion board and found everything but that. Once it became obvious to me that it served the purposes of:

1. Arguing between one another even worse than here;
1a. Furthering a heathen agenda; and
2. Clique mentality to an exponential degree

I split. I might have seen a dozen threads about music started during my stay. Dragging up old ones to try and stimulate some discussion was a waste of time. All anybody wanted to talk about was the nonexistence of God and how to make fags acceptable and how evil Americans are and I ain't got time for that.

And before you tell me how wrong I am and how I didn't give it a fair chance and how great these people are, save yourself the time. I lurked for months before joining, and have since periodically, to see if anything has changed. It hasn't. 90% or more of it is people with agendas patting each other's backs at the latest slam on Christianity, or whining because Hillary isn't winning, or similar drivel. Again, I ain't got time for it. I found another music discussion board that *gasp* actually discusses music and go there instead.

Those folks are entitled to their opinions. I ain't gotta waste my time reading it. God knows I waste enough of it here trying to keep mark from walking out into traffic and coaching Altron through adolescence and keeping Gonz honest. Only so much one man can do ya know. Then toss in the never ending campaign to eradicate prejudice against all things Southron and you can see that my plate is quite full. No room left over for atheist fags trying to overthrow western civilization. I'll leave that to someone else.

DISCLAIMER: No slight intended against crossover know who you are.
'Tis a problem with specialised sites sometimes. Another forum, I am on, is a Tolkien forum, and that never gets talked about anymore either. So no offence taken.