New foods


Staff member
So, who here has recently tried a food they have never had before? What was it? Did you like it?

Did you ever try something new and absolutely hate it??

Has anyone ever tricked you into trying something new that you would not have tried had you known what it was?

I tried Calimari on Friday (I think that's spelled right...squid...). I loved it. My man treats me so good :brush:

I tried brussel sprouts once...absolutely hated them!! Other than that I can't think of anything that I had the guts to try but didn't like...except beer.

I tried cod tongues once...tasted good but was SUPER slimy. It was fried in batter and my dad told me it was just regualr fish. I don't think I'd eat it again, the taste was enjoyable but it was so slimy that it was unpleasant in my mouth and hard ot swallow (and at the time I didn't even know what it really was).
once in spain, i ordered something by just pointing to an item on the menu. i didn't know what it was, but it was pretty good.

i never thought i would love escargot. :licklips:

i tried sauerkraut once 'cause i see people eating that stuff in the movies, i don't like it.
Nixy said:
I tried brussel sprouts once...absolutely hated them!! Other than that I can't think of anything that I had the guts to try but didn't like...except beer.

Hey! Wot's wrong with brussel sprouts? Those baby cabbages with lotsa attitude rock! :D

New food? ....... hmm, nah, I'm a steak and salad or kebab kinda person.....don't get much chance to extend me culinary palette :(
I tricked the Brother-in-law and Bish into trying tongue at our grad. Well, tricked isn't exactly the right word. They thought it was roast beef and I didn't correct them. They both loved it.
i ate, carthalidge (sp?) recently, bugs, brains and other bodyparts i never identified, nor wanted to...

half of it was ok, but some things were plain digusting. gotta love the philippines :D
but 95% of their food is good. definately interesting to try new things, as long as i don't know what it is in advance. at least i'm not biased against then
Shadowfax said:
i ate, carthalidge (sp?) recently, bugs, brains and other bodyparts i never identified, nor wanted to...

half of it was ok, but some things were plain digusting. gotta love the philippines :D
but 95% of their food is good. definately interesting to try new things, as long as i don't know what it is in advance. at least i'm not biased against then

Did you try galut (sp)? Basically an egg, right Toolbox? :grinyes:
Calamari is one of my favorite foods, I could eat a whole plate of it for a meal. :) Sauerkraut too, especially on kielbasa. I can't say I've really tried anything new lately, don't ask me why, but I keep trying different chinese foods, but I end up not liking it a whole lot and throwing half of it out. I really should just give up; besides I suspect I'm allergic to MSG which is found in some chinese food, depends mostly where you get it from. :eek:
Gato_Solo said:
But it is an egg...A chicken egg, I believe...:grinyes:

isn't it something with duck? i'm not sure if i ever had that. sometimes i thought it was better not to ask, thus not to know...

ignorance is bliss :D

edit: i should read following i never had that :D *phew*
i do remember they wanted me to try it though....hehe
Shadowfax said:
i ate, carthalidge (sp?) recently, bugs, brains and other bodyparts i never identified, nor wanted to...

half of it was ok, but some things were plain digusting. gotta love the philippines :D
but 95% of their food is good. definately interesting to try new things, as long as i don't know what it is in advance. at least i'm not biased against then

i love filipino foods, especially adobo, pork & peas, & pancit.

i draw the line at dinaguan (sp?) though, which is straight blood. i don't know how they prepare it, but i just won't eat it.
ah that, yeah :D couldn't be bothered to try that either.

filipino food is good, but the best in the world is still malayan food, especially the nyonya kitchen, the mix of malayan and chinese food :)
even thinking of that makes me hungry! :)
I went through a phase of Korean. Yum! I try a lot of new stuff, but I'm somewhat limited because I'm vegetarian, although I eat seafood.
i eat all kinds of weird things...most of it i've liked...except for urchin, tuna casserole, and some strange chinese concoction that consisted of ham hocks and something licorice-y flavored...on the other hand i flat out refuse to try rocky mountain oysters or anything that isn't dead yet.
BeardofPants said:
I went through a phase of Korean. Yum! I try a lot of new stuff, but I'm somewhat limited because I'm vegetarian, although I eat seafood.

Guess you didn't try the Kulkogi then, eh BoP?
My folks tricked me into eating calimari when I was younger - and I adore the stuff! Particularly fried with some marinara sauce... Yummy!

I've never been a big fish eater - but last Friday I got the Trout Niccola from Carrabbas - and it was delicious!

I can't think of too much that I've tried that I didn't like - just things that I've tried that I find out later I'm allergic too (ie. mushrooms)... ;)
You mean Bulgogi? Beef-stir fry? Once or twice, accidentally... "Vegetarian" doesn't seem to exist in the korean language, no matter how many times you say "NO MEAT". :lol: