New hair!


New Member
I got's my first ever major thing I've done with my hair. So, I thought I should share it with you all.




LOL, I was looking at the first picture, thinking it was the after-result, and thinkin' that they were the most subtle highlights I'd ever seen. :lloyd:

I should post a new pic up sometime... currently platinum blonde.
BeardofPants said:
I should post a new pic up sometime... currently platinum blonde.

As opposed to the royal blue your picture currently sports? I thought the blue haired ladies were old... :lloyd:
Looks good! It's always fun to try new things.

I always try something new every year. This summer was cutting my hair short and going back to my natural color.
Very nice!!! Like the highlights alot. And YES-You have got to start to smile in your pics sweetie! :D
i like the highlights! they really brighten you up! and it looks like the stylist did a good job of making them look natural.

i've thought of lightening my hair, but i've got like 20 boxes of black on it, bleach doesn't even lift past the dark red phase. (thank you beauty school).
my friend took this picture at otakon (anime convention in baltimore).

it's someone cosplaying as a tentacle cosplaying as vash the sampede from trigun

it is glorious