New Improved bulletproof Signature v.3.5


My *crack legal team has devised a signature that exempts me from any and all liability, rules, laws, "sins", and/or incentive to be even grounded in reality itself!

If it didn't cost me all my life savings and require 6 volumes the thickness of the Manhattan yellow'd.... REIGN! Much like I do....

*piss2* Thanks 2 GONZ ya over sensitive 1 bastich! *piss*

* Some have claimed they may only be crack smokers, or perhaps maybe they were smoking crack at the time, and even some others have labeled them as cracked, all of which are baseless accusations made by jack booted goverment thugs. 3

1 The team suggested this particular word, because as it is a hybrid of two other terms and not actually a word I can in no way be held liable and/or responsible for it or it's interpreatation or misinterpretation in any way.

2 "GONZ" could refer to someone on this board, or could possibly be a figment of the poster's vivid imagination. In any case, due to it's spelling, and pursuant to all pertinant disclaimers, all of the preceding possibilites are plausibly deniable in a court of law.

3 The team's legal team has presently filed suit against itself and thus declines further comment. 4

4 The legal team's legal team, has won their lawsuit, but the pending appeal, suspends the initial judgement. A third legal team, retained by parties unknown, is suing both legal teams for frivilous pursuit of financial gain by way of bogus lawsuits. Both of the first two legal teams are in turn countersuing the third legal team. All parties decline comment at this time due to pending litigation. 5

5 There have been rumors of a 4th and 5th legal team joining the litigation, and bringing additional suits. Such rumors are "completely bogus" and "generally unfounded" according to two anonymous sources close to two of the three original legal teams. All legal teams, have brought numerous motions before the court, to place gag orders against any party spreading unfounded rumours of additional litigation. A spokesmen for the court has warned that any talk of further litigation of any kind will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. An independant legal team outside of the bounds of any aforementioned legal team is researching the legality of the court's threat. All parties decline any further comment.
See what GONZ has pushed me to? Ive considered hiring another attorney to cunsult with about further legal action, but I've been informed that there are no more litigators left to pursue such an action until all pending litigation is settled. The good news is that there is a 20% chance that one might graduate law school and not find employment with any of the legal teams involved in the current litigations, thus becoming available to consult.....I'll keep you posted.
Window Licker? (I know what that is....)

Nothing of the sort, this post keeps evolving through edits and I consider it to be my finest work on this forum. Perhaps I have an odd sense of humour but just in writing this I SLAY MYSELF! I am putting on a comedy show for myself, by myself, a "theater of the absurd", if you will, and I sincerely hope that at least one or two of you is half as twisted as I am and gets a chuckle out of it! I've been laughing my ass off at my ridiculous absurdity all day long.
I may or may not adopt the following signature:
The preceding may or may not be the author's actual opinion at the time the message may or may not have been posted and may or may not continue to be or not be the author's opinion for an indefinite length of time in the future and/or past. Any opinion expressed, implied, or nonexistant may or may not be subject to change and/or stay the same with or without advance or subsequent notice but most assuredly without any reason whatsoever. Any change in the author's opinion may or may not be based on a variety of factors which do not include that the reader's opinion was found to be more correct or desirable because it isn't. No attempt should be made to find reason in anything the author authors nor should the author's authorings be compared to reality because reality does not exist. Any reality that is found to exist will be rejected and substituted with the author's. Additional terms and conditions may or may not apply. Your mileage may or may not vary. Author is not responsible for theft, fire, or damage, nor any other consequences that may or may not arise from having read the author's authorings. Not valid in Greenland, Papua New Guinea, or Antarctica. See store for details. Void where prohibited. Winners will be notified by mail. Gesundheit.