new job

Spot said:
had a really nice last day. worked with one of my favorite physician assistants. one of my now ex-coworkers made me a nice carrot cake. got a couple of nice going away gifts. hugged more people in 12 hours today than i have in the past 5 years.
was an unusual day patient-wise too. quite a few very attractive 24-30 year old women in today. if only i were unattached and unconcerned about professional ethics....
It's good you left feelin' the love. :) As time goes on it'll make for a better memory of the place.
AlphaTroll said:
So yeah, I can't remember why exactly I felt the need to post all of this...oh yeah - to cheer you up in case things get bleak..... :hmm: ....did it work? ;)
hell yeah. that place makes the old job look like a walk-in clinic and the new one like a doctor's office.
Spot said:
hell yeah. that place makes the old job look like a walk-in clinic and the new one like a doctor's office.

A while ago I was working as an insurance rep - specifically for government workers and had to work there constantly (had a lot of clients there) - it's a really sad place....saw a child die in one of the pedeatric wards, also had some of the patients in the mental illness wards coming after us etc....had some weird experiences with patients at mental institutions now that I think of it (must admit I had a good laugh at some...not because of their illness, but because of the situation being so screwed up) - there was one that kept following me around asking for ice cream (he kept his distance though - shouted his orders from around every corner).

It's not the kind of hospital that you think 'I'd love to go work there some day' many ways it seems rather primitive, yet in others it's quite state of the art (especially the AIDS research facilities and the ante-natal HIV units etc - but they are mostly privately funded, the government simply cannot afford to maintain a hospital that size where the budgeted expenses exceeds the actual revenue from patients by about 75%, since most of the patients get treated free of charge).

I think what got to me most though was the smell in the TB wards :sick: that's just not something I can describe really.
Spot said:
the boss would inevitably ask how the job hunting is going because she would hate to see something happen to me while i was there.

WTF is that? Sounds like a threat. You can't get out too soon if that shit is happening.

Congrats on the new gig.