New Job


Staff member
So, after 5 summers at the Velcro factory I am starting a NEW summer job...this one is engineering like and it won't involve me sitting on my ass at a computer all day (VERY good thing). I am SO nervous right now I am thinking I shoulda tried for the almost $3/hr less pay and all the hell at the velcro factory again just to avoid this sick nervous feeling...I know that mentality is only temporary...but still...

Tell me your first day of a new job stories :)
you'll do fine!
i try not to get nervous with new jobs, it just distracts you. relax.
*sends positive thoughts nix's way.
Nixy said:
So, after 5 summers at the Velcro factory I am starting a NEW summer job...this one is engineering like and it won't involve me sitting on my ass at a computer all day (VERY good thing). I am SO nervous right now I am thinking I shoulda tried for the almost $3/hr less pay and all the hell at the velcro factory again just to avoid this sick nervous feeling...I know that mentality is only temporary...but still...

Tell me your first day of a new job stories :)

The thing about new jobs is that if you're doing something wrong, They'll tell you. As long as you don't keep doing the same things wrong over and over nobody will hold mistakes against you. Obviously both you and they think you're capable of doing the job and you're obviously not a moron, so relax, pay attention and have fun. ;)

Oh, and it's been so long since I was nervous at a new job... Try to get plenty of sleep before the first day, that used to be my number one problem.
chcr said:
The thing about new jobs is that if you're doing something wrong, They'll tell you. As long as you don't keep doing the same things wrong over and over nobody will hold mistakes against you. Obviously both you and they think you're capable of doing the job and you're obviously not a moron, so relax, pay attention and have fun. ;)

Good advice. Also, remember that they have to adjust to you as much as you have to adjust to them.

In any case, half of your first day is going to be paperwork.
Just have fun learning the ropes! People are always really accommodating of newbies, and if you're really unsure of something, don't be afraid to bring it up. Get lots of sleep, and don't skip breakfast. :)
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Always carry something when walking about, nobody asks you to do a crappy job when your carrying a file or suchlike.

good luck :D
BeardofPants said:
What am I doing wrong? That file trick never works with me. :mope:
maybe because you don't work with paperwork on a daily basis? you need to carry a box of cheese or something :D
A.B.Normal said:
Psst...thats a "nail" file you've got there silly.

It isn't threatening enough? :confused:

tonksy said:
maybe because you don't work with paperwork on a daily basis? you need to carry a box of cheese or something :D

I work in administration now - if that ain't working with paperwork on a daily basis, I don't know what is. :lloyd: I'm senior administrator - and I can be on the phone, typing up something, AND juggling paper files, and people still bug me. :grumpy: Wait, maybe if I started carrying around something smelly like Vieux Boulogne Cheese. :lloyd:
BeardofPants said:
I work in administration now - if that ain't working with paperwork on a daily basis, I don't know what is. :lloyd: I'm senior administrator - and I can be on the phone, typing up something, AND juggling paper files, and people still bug me. :grumpy: Wait, maybe if I started carrying around something smelly like Vieux Boulogne Cheese. :lloyd:
wow! when did that happen? is this a happy thing?
Yeah, it's a good thing. I'm working for a Union that looks after some of the lowest paid workers in NZ. I like the job, and I'm working in a work-place that matches my philosophy when it comes to things like "social justice". :headbang:
In the midst of this horrible Presidency & the lack of jobs because of the economic downturn, I'm starting my 4th job in 7 weeks. The first one disappeared, the next two really sucked & the new one looks like a keeper (pay and hometime). I'm sick of this crap.

Congrats Nixy...may your next job be your last.
In the great process of job searching....tomorrow is day two of the interview at another job...have had this one before on a temp basis, this would be perm and soooo nice *crosses fingers, toes....eyes*
Hopefully the one after this will be my last :D That would be AWESOME if I got JUST what I want RIGHT out of school and kept the job til I retired!!

Two 10 hour days in a row feet hurt. The shitty part is we spent the better part of this morning doing busy work then after we'd been there 6 hours the boss gave us a four hour job that once you start must be finished and can't be left overnight (mixing mixtures then forming test specimens...)
Hmm, your feet hurt, my brother's new job last week could've helped you: he's a shoe salesman at Sears now. He didn't find it very funny when I started humming 'Love and Marriage' when he was sitting on the couch one day with his hand in his pants, though. :D I didn't really get new job jitters, when I started I figured I'd get the training I needed but having 4 hours a week didn't really allow much training to get in. After I moved up front after hours were cut I was already very familiar with how things worked out there, and since working those crazy 70 hour work weeks when the store moved, I learned so much about everything in the store that I can handle nearly anything in the store with ease, so even if I got into management it would likely be an easy transition for me, as after watching what they do, their job is actually a little easier than mine, just a lot more annoying.

Test specimens? That narrows it down... a little help? What is it?
Stop Laughing said:
He didn't find it very funny when I started humming 'Love and Marriage' when he was sitting on the couch one day with his hand in his pants, though. :D
BeardofPants said:
What am I doing wrong? That file trick never works with me. :mope:

You have to work it *clicks fingers, shakes head* look to hurried and to busy to stop. Most people will leave you alone. Or just wear a tshirt with a picture of your last victim on it.