New Job

Stop Laughing said:
Test specimens? That narrows it down... a little help? What is it?


And, I was mostly nervous cause I've been going to school for this so there is a certain level of knowledge I am expected to have...and I was scared I would forget things.
Nixy said:
Hopefully the one after this will be my last :D That would be AWESOME if I got JUST what I want RIGHT out of school and kept the job til I retired!!

Sounds like you want a goobermint job.
kuulani said:
are you official now? :lloyd:

hehe no, I have one more year. I am a Junior Quality Control technician right now...but I get to help out the engineer who is like my boss :D Who woulda thunk I'd ever be this happy to write someone else's report? :D Well, technically modify a report for an old job to be for a current one...but it's only my 3rd day so I'm happy :D
ZZ Top said:
Hey, look at the hooks
On your pants makes you wanna dance.
I say yeah yeah,
I say yeah yeah.
There ain't never a catch, all you got to do is snatch,
Do the velcro fly,
Do the velcro fly.

You need just enough of that sticky stuff
To hold the seams of your fine blue jeans.
I say yeah yeah.
I say yeah yeah.
There ain't never a catch, all you got to do is snatch,
Do the velcro fly,
Do the velcro fly.

Well, it feels so right when you squeezed it tight,
When you reach the end do it over again.
I say yeah yeah.
I say yeah yeah.
There ain't never a catch, all you got to do is snatch,
Do the velcro fly,
Do the velcro fly.

Gato_Solo said:

Velcro ROCKS!

Up until now Velcro has been the main reason I have been able to be in Uni...what, with me working there every summer and my mom working there...