Southern - Thanks..I think.
Unclehobart - See, that's tricky. I think she currently has me beat on
volume, but I damn sure have her beat on
location. She doesn't yet have the top of her foot tattooed, or the inside of her lip, or the side of her head, or behind her ears...all the
really wierd spots. Heh. Then again, I also got started way earlier than she did. First one was done by a friend with a needle and ball point pen ink when I was 13. It didn't go all that well, for some reason.
Tonksy - Thanks! They're not so bad. And yea, like I said up above - I might not have her in sheer volume anymore, but I still got her in the "you have a tattoo where?" department.
Kruz - Thanks, and thanks! It's actually a pic of one of the pistols I own. Much fun.
Starya - Thank you!
Winky - I'm not ashamed to say I had to look "inauspicious" up breifly to make sure I knew what it meant. Having said that..I've had worse introductions.