New Mice


Staff member
How long does it take you to get used to a new mouse? I just got's a mini mouse (my last one was too...I liked the mini-ness) but it's smaller than my last mouse...I didn't expect it to be...I hope I can get used to it, I *heart* how this mouse looks.
About a day, provided it has the little rollerball scrolly thing and if it doesn't I hates it forever.
As long as it moves smooth I have no problems, just a few minutes of bitching and then I'm used to it.

However, the optical mouse that came with my laptop started to "double click" when only one click was issued. Since it was sealed I had to buy a new one.

The new one is a microsoft with a smooth-wheel and 1000dpi resolution. Boy was it hard to get used to it. First, the wheel never clicks so you must be carefull how you move it. Second, it is extremely sensitive, current speed is the 3rd notch and it acts like a regular mouse. :shrug:
This one has the click wheel and moves nice and the size/shape in my hand that's getting me...I switched back but I love this new one to much...I'm giving it another chance...hands cramps be damned!
Here's a pic of the size in comparison to my mouse pad...and a short vid of why I love this mouse so much, I had to zip it cause ya can't upload videos also does red but I couldn't do a longer clip or else the file was to big to upload.
Oh, there's sound in the video too, turn on your speakers for your listening enjoyment!
I like a trackball myself.

[Pedanticman]It's "mouses," mice are vermin.[/Pedanticman]
The mouse that came with the tower I have now I could not get used to the feel of it, it seem a little baulky. I used it for about two weeks and replaces it with another one I had in the closet...
Pretty much any mouse beats a touchpad. God, that thing drives me nuts on the laptop. At least I was able to turn off the "tap to click" feature. That's a plus because when I was playing SimCity 4 with "tap to click" turned on, I would get random one-square-long lengths of pipe or roads, etc. Very annoying.
Inkara1 said:
Pretty much any mouse beats a touchpad. God, that thing drives me nuts on the laptop. At least I was able to turn off the "tap to click" feature. That's a plus because when I was playing SimCity 4 with "tap to click" turned on, I would get random one-square-long lengths of pipe or roads, etc. Very annoying.

I can turn off my whole touch pad :shrug:
I'm sure I could too. But my working mouse to non-laptop computer ratio is 1:1, meaning I don't have another mouse to plug into the laptop. I might get one fo those wireless travel mice at some point.
I have three travel mice with wires and one regular mouse without. One of the small mice is just regular with a little blue light, one is the one I posted the vid of and one glows all red...and to turn off my touch pad it's just a button right above it...:p
I'd probably have to go into the windows settings to turn mine off... but it's still not enough to make me consider an HP/Compaq laptop.
Inkara1 said:
I'd probably have to go into the windows settings to turn mine off... but it's still not enough to make me consider an HP/Compaq laptop.

Don't go knocking my lappy. I chose the HP brand specifically.
i consistently buy these kinds of things, just regular-sized not-crazy-shaped two-button-with-a-scrollywheel mice. this one cost me like $4. it works as well as i need it to.
because i pretty much use one mouse type, i need no time to get used to them.

i dont think i could ever get a little mouse though. i've thought of it because i have a laptop and a minimouse would fit in my bag better... but i dont really take my lappy anywhere, so the point is moot.
The touch pad on mine has a scroll section in it as well. The way it works just takes A LOT of getting used to.
Yeah? I didn't have any trouble picking up using mine, but I mainly use hot-keys, and the track-pad anyways, so it's no extra bother to use it to scroll (one finger on the pad moves the mouse cursor, and two fingers makes it scroll). I feel odd when I use a mouse at work now. :lloyd:
I've been using a mouse since 1992. I find touchpads to be inaccurate and fairly annoying. One laptop idea I liked was that touchstick between three of the keys on the keyboard, like IBM used. My uncle had a laptop with one of those and I was surprised by how much I liked it; a far superior idea to the touchpad. Seems like having that and a scroll wheel next to the two mouse buttons would be a good way to go.
I also prefer the IBM eraser to a touchpad... but neither are as good as a mouse.

My MX1000 did take some time getting used too, especially since Logitech has a separate setup, so I need to juggle between windows mouse setup and the logitech mouse setup, and the damn shoulder buttons don't work in firefox on XP. Not that I like Firefox. I hate this piece of shit browser. I originally used it because I had to (baaad adware) but now I don't need to use it, but I use it anyway. I guess it's only because it hasn't crashed recently. Maybe Firefox 1.5 will fix it. None of the buttons, except for the main two, work in KDE 6.8, so once I get around to rebooting I'm going to have to download KDE 7.0 and recompile it. *sigh* At least the linux compiling works with SMP, so the X2 rips through it...

The mouse itself, I like. It took a few weeks to get the hang of it. I think I ended up completely disabling mouse acceleration. Previously it was way too jittery and sensitive and tended to miss buttons.