New Parrot

TexasRaceLady said:
Kruz, he's precious.

I love African Greys. :)

Me, too. Properly battered and fried, they make quite a tastey meal. :D j/k

Looks like you're going to be busy for quite some time. I just hope your kids each get a bird in your will, because those suckers can live to a ripe old age of 60 something...:grinyes:
Kruz said:
he is still in the incubator at our breeders, we will be visiting him every day till he comes home, (breeder is only 1 block away)
Awww. I can just see you going in there for visiting hours. That's some good therapy for you right there. ;)

I'm guessing you visit as much as possible to ease the transition when he does come home? How long until he gets some even plumage? He looks.... cold.
he will be full feathered in about a month, and ready to come home (weaned) in 3 months.
visiting them when they are young helps the bonding prosess and is less stressfull when they are ready to come home.
Kruz said:
for what parrots cost they BETTER tast good


As long as they don't scream when they hit the hot oil, who cares? :D

I'm glad they can't read, or I'd have to spend the rest of my life walking around with a raised umbrella... :D