New piano


molṑn labé
Staff member
Ok, not new but used. My wife has always wanted a "real" piano (not electronic keyboards) & her niece inhereted one & didn't want it, so guess howe I spent my morning. ouch

Anybody know anything about LAUTER pianos? It's an upright & has (I think) real ivory to tickle. I found a couple of sites that are about Newark NJ's history that has minor info. It looks like the "upright grand" but has variations from the photo. Serial# 30035. Older'n the hills & heavy as hell.
Is there such a thing as a light piano? If there is, I've yet to come across it.

That's a half tail piano i think.

I found this page
Professur said:
I have all the musical talent of a rusty bedspring.:(

Me too, i love piano and violin, but i don't have the talent for them.

However, a friend says i have an incredible potential for guitar, which i don't like.
Thanks Luis, that's the same one I found. It's a history of Newark NJ & the companies they had.have.

this is close to the one we got(very close
i wish i could play piano, i used to play some keyed percussion in HS, quit because the instructor was an assmonkey, i miss playing
I play piano, and I'm particularly fond of anything from Chopin. We have an upright piano. I'd love a baby grand, but we don't have a room for it.
*wishing I had a piano*

maybe some year...

It looks nice, Gonz, take good care of it.
Q said:
me too, but I'd have to get rid of furniture

Our clothesdresser is now in our closet to make room for it in teh bedroom because I ain't moving the entertainment center & we need both couches to accomodate guests.
I got rid of my dresser to make room for the puters. If I got a piano I would have to sit on it to watch tv in the living room:D...I've thought about it.
I have a Roland MP64, with amp, that is sitting in the garage because I have no room in my apartment for it. I barely have room for my computer. ;)
I've been getting along fine without a dresser (let's face it, puters rank over frivolous household furniture:D ) I got one of those $10.00 stack up plastic shelves from Walmart and put it in the closet :)