New step towards fighting HIV/AIDS


Well-Known Member
US scientists say they have discovered how HIV evades the body's natural defences against viral infections.
HIV disarms the T cells sent by the body to fight it by flicking a molecular switch on the cells.
In the laboratory, the researchers were able to block this switch and restore T cell function, Nature reports.
Drugs are already available that can do the same, but the scientists say more safety studies are needed.
The drugs may not be specific enough and could cause nasty side-effects, they cautioned.
Lead researcher Bruce Walker, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital in the US, said: "One has to proceed with real caution because if you turn back on an immune regulatory switch that the body has decided to turn off, you could trigger serious immunological problems."
Further trials and studies are needed before we can hope to turn this knowledge into a new therapy for HIV

A spokeswoman from AVERT
Ideally, a treatment would only target the HIV-specific T cells, but techniques for such a targeted approach do not yet exist, he said.
The T cell switch controls a pathway of cellular events called programmed death-1 or PD-1.
The US researchers, working with colleagues at the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute in Durban, studied blood samples from 71 people who had recently contracted HIV but who had not yet commenced anti-HIV treatment.
They also looked at samples from four HIV-positive individuals taken before and after they had begun antiretroviral therapy.
HIV appeared to turn the T cell switch off, triggering the inhibitory PD-1 pathway.
"Turn off"
Furthermore, higher PD-1 expression was associated with more severe functional impairment of T cells.
PD-1 expression dropped when HIV treatment began, however. Blocking the PD-1 pathway restored T cell function.
He said the next step would be to see if the T cells can be turned back on in HIV-infected people in a way that will benefit them without incurring any serious side effects.
The researchers are also exploring whether PD-1 measurements could be used to guide treatment.
Dr Walker said: "Currently, we just count the number of T cells to decide when to treat someone, but we are excited about the possibility that adding PD-1 measurement might tell us more about the likelihood of progression of the disease and need for treatment in infected people."
Roger Pebody, treatment specialist for Terrence Higgins Trust, said: "This study is promising, and we hope that it will help researchers develop new therapies that may be available over the next decade."
A spokeswoman from the international HIV and Aids charity AVERT said: "This research is certainly encouraging, and fills another gap in scientists' knowledge about how HIV functions.
"However, as the researchers themselves say, further trials and studies are needed before we can hope to turn this knowledge into a new therapy for HIV, particularly if there is a risk of triggering any sort of auto-immune disease in the individual concerned."

Still far from ready but...KUDOS
The sad thing is, they're spending billions and billions .... and the means to eradicate this disease forever, within one generation is simply ..... stop fucking everything that moves.
Professur said:
The sad thing is, they're spending billions and billions .... and the means to eradicate this disease forever, within one generation is simply ..... stop fucking everything that moves.

What...and be called "stodgy" and "repressed"? Besides...abstinence is so old-fashioned...:rolleyes: :devious: :grinyes:

Even though I agree with you 100%
Professur said:
The sad thing is, they're spending billions and billions .... and the means to eradicate this disease forever, within one generation is simply ..... stop fucking everything that moves.

No, that won't work. Look at how the baby boomers (born '46-'64) are messing up social security because there are more of them than there are generation x people. Now, look at the echo baby boomers (born '78-'92). There's a lot of them too. We need LOTS of babies born in the next 20 years, so that there's LOTS of people to pay social security for us. So, people are going to have to continue fucking everything that moves, or I'm going to have to take personal responsibility and save for my retirement instead of assuming that the next generation will cover me. :laugh:
Altron said:
No, that won't work. Look at how the baby boomers (born '46-'64) are messing up social security because there are more of them than there are generation x people. Now, look at the echo baby boomers (born '78-'92). There's a lot of them too. We need LOTS of babies born in the next 20 years, so that there's LOTS of people to pay social security for us. So, people are going to have to continue fucking everything that moves, or I'm going to have to take personal responsibility and save for my retirement instead of assuming that the next generation will cover me. :laugh:

'Cept that instead of paying into SS, they'll all be bleeding out Medicare.
ABC's of HIV/AIDS prevention - its a shame that the last option "C" isn't promoted as often as it should.

Be Faithful (Monogamy)
That's like having fun at the beach without going in the water. It's fun...but you know you're missing out.
Is it a great alternative to a disease? Yeah...but...
Professur said:
'Cept that instead of paying into SS, they'll all be bleeding out Medicare.

Yep :(

Well, there goes emptying the retirement account on a 40" flat panel TV and the down payment on a 2007 Cadillac

What's sad is that people to that...
tonksy said:
That's like having fun at the beach without going in the water. It's fun...but you know you're missing out.
Is it a great alternative to a disease? Yeah...but...

If there's 20' sharks patrolling just off shore, some people are still gonna wade in. Darwin says so.