New Years Resolutions

And I sure the hell hope Oh Five is better year....

As for new years resolutions, I stopped making them years ago......
never understood the need for resolutions. if you wanna do something do it. but in the spirit of things....i am trying to become more organized. the combining of 2 households worth of stuff has found this last year full of "hey, where's the beaters?" and "where the heck did i put my name tag, sweater, plumbing snake?"
I resolve to spend less time on the internet. Of course I've been resolving that one going on 6 years or so now.
I too eschew the setting of resolutions, but in the spirit of things, I do have some changes I would like to make, to wit:

1. Take better care of myself.
2. Make better use of my disposable income, when I have disposable income...
3. Gain a better appreciation for the little things in life, and not to take them for granted.
4. Purchase, and learn to play, a mandolin.
tonksy said:
never understood the need for resolutions. if you wanna do something do it. but in the spirit of things....i am trying to become more organized. the combining of 2 households worth of stuff has found this last year full of "hey, where's the beaters?" and "where the heck did i put my name tag, sweater, plumbing snake?"

You have a plumbing snake? Damn, I need to borrow that! K's bathroom sink is a disaster.

Resolutions can kiss off. I quit smoking in FEBRUARY, largely so that no one could view it as a stinking resolution. What a crock. If it's worth doing as of January 1, it's probably worth doing right fucking now.
I don't make them, because then I can't break them :D

I'll try to get a full-time job and redouble my efforts at quitting the nic-sticks
I make resolutions to simply ignore so not to go against tradition. This year I will endeavor and strive to...

Improve my health. By...
  • Eating more fruit and veg... really go for my 5 a day!
  • Stopping or attempting to give up smoking (again :rolleyes: )
  • Reducing my weekly alcohol intake (like... yeh! :D )
  • Return to Salsa dancing at least once a week
Thus losing at least another 2 stone so I get to my target of 126 pounds...
HomeLAN said:
You have a plumbing snake? Damn, I need to borrow that! K's bathroom sink is a disaster.

Resolutions can kiss off. I quit smoking in FEBRUARY, largely so that no one could view it as a stinking resolution. What a crock. If it's worth doing as of January 1, it's probably worth doing right fucking now.
we apparently have 2 now...because we couldn't find the first so he bought another :shrug:
Resolutions? Bah, humbug.
I made them in the past, and promptly broke them --- so why make them.

However, like SN'P, I am going to make the attempt to make better use of my disposable income --- when, and if I have any. The state of Texas didn't pay me to teach, they sure as hell don't pay me to be retired.
MrBishop said:
I'll try to get a full-time job and redouble my efforts at quitting the nic-sticks

You may as well forget about quitting smoking. If you can't quit cold turkey on the few you smoke, you never will. Christ, you hardly smoke enough to warrant calling it a habit.
Professur said:
You may as well forget about quitting smoking. If you can't quit cold turkey on the few you smoke, you never will. Christ, you hardly smoke enough to warrant calling it a habit.

How's that career in motivational speaking coming along? :lol2:
Professur said:
You may as well forget about quitting smoking. If you can't quit cold turkey on the few you smoke, you never will. Christ, you hardly smoke enough to warrant calling it a habit.

Don't make assumptions on how 'little' I smoke now...especially in times of stress. It's not as little as you might imagine.
I resolve not to make a resolution.

There we go, broken it already so I don't have to bother doing it later :D
The two most negative addictions (are there any positive 'addictions'?)
are caffeine and nicotine.

So for all you Ex-Smokers is it true that once a smoker always a smoker.
Even if it's been years do you still occasionally have the urge to smoke?
Only been off them for 2 years, but yeah. I still get an urge about every day. It's just not usually very strong anymore.