New York violating MOVE Act


Well-Known Member
It seems that, once again, a liberal bastion seeks to disenfranchise our military personnel.


EXCLUSIVE: New York Violating MOVE Act

By Jana Winter

Published October 10, 2010|

More than one week after its extended deadline, New York still hasn’t mailed out absentee ballots to all its 320,000 military servicemen and women and overseas voters, in clear violation of the MOVE Act, has learned.

According to the 2009 MOVE Act, a state must send out its military and overseas ballots 45 days prior to elections.

New York was granted a waiver to this deadline by the Department of Justice and given an additional 15 days -- until October 1 -- to send out all its ballots. On October 5, New York State Board of Elections co-directors informed federal officials that the state had not fully met their extended deadline, according to an e-mail posted online at, the website of the Defense Department agency tasked with overseeing military voting.

In an e-mail sent October 5, New York State Board of Elections co-directors Robert A. Brehm and Todd Valentine wrote:

“County Boards of Elections have reported to our office that UOCAVA ballots have been transmitted to voters within their respective jurisdictions except in the City of New York, and the following counties: Erie, Niagara, Putnam and Westchester.”

And, as of Oct. 9, these ballots still have not been mailed to voters in these counties, who will now have less than 25 days to receive, mark and return their ballots, federal and state officials told New York City alone has about 50,000 servicemen and women and overseas voters.

"The gravity of New York's failure cannot be overstated. With approximately 50,000 military and overseas voters in New York City alone, there is no doubt that the November elections could be altered by this failure,” said Eric Eversole, a former Justice Department voting section attorney who recently started a nonprofit organization, Military Voter Protection Project, to protect military voting rights.

In September, the MVP Project filed a lawsuit against Maryland Board of Elections on behalf of an unnamed serviceman in Iraq who, the suit alleges, will be disenfranchised this election.

“The sad fact is that New York City's failure will have its greatest impact on those military members serving on the front lines," Eversole said. "They do not have the luxury of receiving their ballots via e-mail and must rely on a notoriously slow postal service to receive their ballots. Without immediate action, there is no doubt that some of these troops will be disenfranchised by New York's failure. It is truly shameful."

Department of Justice spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa provided with the following statement:

"The department is aware of recent issues in New York and we are in urgent discussions with state officials aimed at achieving a prompt resolution. The department is committing significant resources to vigorous enforcement of the MOVE Act nationwide to ensure that our men and women serving in the military and our citizens living overseas have the opportunity to vote and have their votes counted in this year's elections."

E-mail requests for comment sent to the co-directors, other Board of Elections officials and its spokesman were not returned.

The MOVE Act was passed in 2009. It's lead author and sponsor was Senator Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), Chairman of the Senate Rules Committee; It was co-sponsored by John Cornyn (R-Texas.)

In a statement to, Sen. Schumer said:

"Put these ballots on the next plane to Afghanistan. These soldiers sacrifice their lives to protect our freedoms, they should never, ever be denied their right to vote. I wrote and passed this law so our brave men and women overseas would no longer be disenfranchised and there is absolutely no excuse for failing to get this done. The boards of election should immediately get these ballots to each and every one of our service members around the world. They should overnight them if they have to -- no ifs, ands or buts."

Sen. Cornyn gave this statement to

"The fact that New York government officials failed to live up to the clear terms of the waiver is shocking, in light of how much our troops have sacrificed in the years since 9/11. This is a clear violation of federal voting rights law. If DOJ does not file a suit to right this wrong as soon as the courts open on Tuesday, then we will know once and for all that DOJ is not serious about safeguarding military voting rights."

Go to for information about military voting, and to learn about online balloting options available for military voters from 31 states.
They're dying for us, why do they need to get involved in politics?
right jim. that's why schumer (D) co-sponsored the bill and is now a vocal critic of what is happening. it's because democrats aren't real americans and they hate the military. i'm sure there's a lot of proud men and women who would happily shove a boot up your chickenhawk ass for that suggestion. maybe next you'll suggest that the FDNY heroes of 9/11 aren't really all that great, because they're in unions. seriously, you should be embarrassed.
military votes republican, they must be stopped

FDNY heroes of 9/11?

They were dumbasses
they ran into buildings that were
clearly in the process of collapsing.
maybe next you'll suggest that the FDNY heroes of 9/11 aren't really all that great, because they're in unions. seriously, you should be embarrassed.
More of the mental masturbation, aka: over-thinking something to fault. I suppose it might be a surprise to you Shcumer isn't running on his victorious Healthcare bill either.

Chuckie Schumer said:
“I predict that by November those who voted for healthcare will find it an asset and those who voted against it will find it a liability,” Schumer said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Jim's has nothing to do with NY skipping out on the military votes.
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

But Gothy what happens when that 'pen' has over twenty tons of jet A on board
weights 100 tons and is going 450 MPH?
Knee-jerking bumper stickers don't result in things like:

Federal Study: Bar Fights Tend to Happen in Darker, Dirtier Bars Frequented by Heavy Drinking, Less Agreeable People.

We knee jerkers don't over-think shit like that. $45 bucks for a hooker and blow, maybe 3 beers. We can come to the exact same results. ;)
Re: What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

But Gothy what happens when that 'pen' has over twenty tons of jet A on board
weights 100 tons and is going 450 MPH?

Pick me! Pick me! I know!! Fire melts steel!! Floors pancake down to the street!! Death and destruction courtesy of the religion of peace!!
Knee-jerking bumper stickers don't result in things like:

We knee jerkers don't over-think shit like that. $45 bucks for a hooker and blow, maybe 3 beers. We can come to the exact same results. ;)

yeah, when you can't address the question, just try to pull examples of other stuff out of your ass. you have anything to say about the original topic?
yeah, when you can't address the question, just try to pull examples of other stuff out of your ass. you have anything to say about the original topic?
LibCity Elite, NY-NY disenfranchise the Military vote because they are yellow bellied socialist and commies.

CHICAGO (WLS) - The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether the state of Illinois missed the deadline for mailing absentee ballots to members of the military and other overseas American voters as part of a new federal overseas voting law.

Cris Cray, Director of Legislation at the Illinois State Board of Elections, says not all of Illinois' 110 jurisdictions were compliant with the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE).

TWO close races in Illinois. Fucking commies.


The kids??? -- It's not exactly on topic but you get the idea ^ .

I notice you have an aversion the to socialist/marxist conspiracy concept. You seem to miss the point that the left has become the socialst/marxist conspiracy.

You see.... What has led us to where we are is what happens when you allow elite intellectuals to sit around to discuss nonsense until is makes sense.

The left comes out with these emotional plea of social injustices and then they install these socialist programs that have brought the greatest nation ever, to it's knees.

As humans we have advanced to amazing levels of technology and have benefited from our advancement in cognitive abilities. We live longer and better than any other animal ever has. We can travel and communicate at incredible speeds worldwide. -- Nonetheless, we are still evolving animals in a dangerous world where the goal is now to live, procreate a family and die. It's not much different than has always been.

However with all these advanced the socialist have forgotten we animals driven by self preservation. It bewilders the left that we can't have some utopia where everyone lives the perfect world with no hate, no injustices, skittles and unicorns.

Legislating thinking does not work. Building a narrow construct of how one is allowed to think is in natural opposition to the human animal. I'm not saying we cannot have laws, I'm saying that you have to allow risk to happen.

Traditionally, religion is what has been utilized to govern mens hearts towards each other. The intellectual elite see religion as hinderance to their supurior thinking where everyone is forced to the same and equal.

Socialist want a construct where it's illegal to have free thought and free will. A place where you must comply for the greater good or else.

You will NEVER rid the world of racism, hate or conflict. You will not in my lifetime see a world where the world is a just place where there is no suffering by some.

What made America great is that was designed to be governed by the people for the people. Not by people who know whats better for us.

The world is still a dangerous place and you have to accept for what it is.