great. you're my hero. because your friend bought lunch.
well, yeah. That was the short story. It's more about the company you keep and what you do in your world.
See, I recognized one of the men from a few years back at the 'stand-down'
(2003 I think). That's why we approached them in the first place. The stand-down is a community project designed specifically for homeless and very down-n-out vets. It's is big project where homeless vets are sought out by everyone from the police to mental health and private citizens to volunteer vets.
A military style camp is set up where they are brought, if they are willing to come. Most do come in the end once their brothers in arms come to talk to them and explain the project. A tent city where bugles sound, flags are raised and the men are treated with pride and respect as they get a chance to live in a manner that may have the very best period of their lives.
In the end the best effort is made to help these guys get some level of help in hope bringing these guy back into society.
- Four days of professional help and few days of buffer before and after.
- Professionals to help the vets seek VA benefits.
- Shelters and other civilian housing programs are there.
- People offering light jobs and other opportunities.
- There's are volunteer to help with minor medical and dental in the camp, as well as an effort to get the vets to seek more care when needed.
- Volunteer lawyers and a Superior Court judge hold court in camp to help these guy clear up what legal issues they can.
- The vets get an opportunity to get the very basic like new clothes and linked to sources like the local food banks.
- it's a big deal.
Anyway, I worked the stand-down for four years and had the opportunity to meet this man and work with him for a few months.
He's still drinking but doing fairly well these days. He shaves and showers and doesn't isolate as he floats from city to city anymore. He's back at the shelter and is still in contact with son and his brother these days. It' not the best life but he likes it OK and he's free to live it as he chooses.
Its a great feeling when someone walks up to us a grocery store and tells us how they have improved their life with a hand up. ...Now I'm not talking about just vets, I'm talking about hundreds of people who we've helped over the years. Even my kids have are recognized by people who were once living under bridges,
......but that is another story.
Yeah, my friend bought a couple of guys lunch because
those guys are the ones who are the heroes.
You really should come down to Main Street sometime.