New Zealand residents: Bra fence must stay

Inky: It didn't cause me any pain (this time), I just cursed the loss of a fav bra...but if it helps SnP with his fence then it is indeed a happy note (especially since I didn't suffer any physical pain).

Tonks: Mine sometimes do that too...I've only ever had a couple underwires snap, that one had gotten bent a couple times in the wash or by me stepping on it and I guess it was just weakened.
I've lengthened the life of mine by not putting them in the dryer. I never bothered to sort them out before.
On a happier note...I had an underwire snap on me the other day...

So much for that degree in structural engineering. If you can't even get the load stress right for underwear, how are we ever gonna trust (trussed) a bridge built by you?

at the scene of the disaster said:
Reporter: Sir, did you see what happened?
Bystander: Yup, sure did. That bridge collapsed like a cheap bra
Reporter: There you have it, folks....
Because the company I'm with doesn't do that...and building a bridge isn't something that one can just walk into 30 years into their career. It would be a very exciting thing to be involved in but I don't want to do structural design for my whole life and without a back ground in structural design I'll never get on a team designing a bridge. It would be different if the company I'm with did that...then I could possibly get to do one bridge then come back to what I want to do forever.
Um, I walked over a bridge that a guy built on his own property, over a small river that passes through it. It's a very nice bridge. He's a baker.
OK, yes, sorry, I may get the chance to be involved in a small pedestrian bridge at some point...we do some of that stuff...but never a big highway bridge.
Luis G and Professur: I do not understand how you can comment on such a thing. You do not live here. You have not been here. You only know what is said in the shitty media and if thats how you get your news no wonder everyone hates americans. At least Mr Prassinos is a good citizen. Working for the good of people. Not that you deserve it.

don't feed the troll.