Right. Then you should be aware of how the editing completely changed the meaning oof what she was saying. Fox falsely suggested that Sherrod discriminated against a white farmer.
Whther or not you think she is a racist. The edited video was a lie.
Yes, it was deliberately edited to create a false impression of racial bias where none existed.
No, you try and create race/religious/sexual preference division. But people are not buying your lies anymore as the truth becomes undeniable. There is an awaking happening. That is why the Republican party is soooooo unpopular right now
Republican Approval Ratings at All-Time Low
Notice the use of facts instead of your made up fantasy.![]()
Your "facts" are ancient history in political time, not to mention they mean absolutely nothing in context. Right now conservative hold a lower confidence in elected conservatives then your "facts", even lower than DemonicRats hold their own elected officials. (and that is fact) -- it only shows that conservatives are more pissed, nothing more.Date: June 23, 2009
Most people do not watch Fox or other cable news.
Whatr is that? "Fundamentally changing the United States of America" into an unrecognizable socialist banana republic?Nope, he's doing what America elected him to do.
See the above post.Point out a few of my lies. I dare you.
lol, YOU lecturing us about context.? That's laughable. -- In context, she is a racist.
Imam Obama leadership.
Hey looky, the date of you ABC/Wapo poll.....
Seems your "facts" are becoming more meaningless everyday.
Every single poll average shows that your ideologies are being resoundingly rejected, that people are waking up to your hustle -- and that's what it has always been, just a hustle.
So now we are at a point where you can post useless blogs you have cherry-picked to demonstrate that the vast majority of Americans are imbeciles in comparison with your enlightened wisdom's.
If there is a bright side to all this; it is the fact that it does prove you right on one single point.
DUMBFUCKISTAN is indeed shrinking. Dumbfuck?
Whatr is that? "Fundamentally changing the United States of America" into an unrecognizable socialist banana republic?
America says: "DO NOT WANT!"
See the above post.
Fox just made a mistake not authenticating what they were reporting a couple weeks ago with Shirley Sherrod.
FOX did not run the video until AFTER the White House had her fired.
It was not inauthentic video either.
Why didn't the NAACP quell this storm instead of jumping on teh bandwagon? After all THEY owned the original footage.
The whole point is that Sherrod showed she was racist.Not that it's what I claimed or anything but you are incorrect.
Timeline of Breitbart's Sherrod smear.
You'd save us some time if you checked before you post.
Wrong. Fox falsely suggested that Sherrod discriminated against a white farmer.
The whole point is that Sherrod showed she was racist.
USDAShirley Sherrod, the former Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the USDA, resigned on Monday after making racial remarks.
A black employee who resigned from the Agriculture Department on Monday said the White House forced her out after remarks that she says have sparked a fabricated racial controversy.
Shirley Sherrod, the former Georgia director of Rural Development, said she received a phone call from the USDA's deputy undersecretary Cheryl Cook on Monday while she was in a car. Cook told her that the White House wanted her to call it quits.
"They called me twice," Sherrod told the Associated Press. "The last time they asked me to pull over the side of the road and submit my resignation on my Blackberry, and that's what I did."
So, from 13:40, as from YOUR source. she was asked to resign. The administration & the NAACP both failed. Not Foxnews. She was gone before Fox ran it
This by-now tiresome debate centers around whether or not Fox News jumped on Andrew Breitbart's bogus Shirley Sherrod smear campaign. We all know that on the day it broke online, Bill O'Reilly hyped the story on his primetime show, presented Sherrod as a racist, and demanded she "resign immediately." Of course, at the time O'Reilly didn't have the slightest clue what the whole story of the Sherrod tape was. But that didn't stop him from maligning a black women in the Obama administration. (O'Reilly later apologized to Sherrod.)
So if O'Reilly was demanding Sherrod's ouster, that meant Fox News covered the story before she was forced out, right? Not quite. While his show tapes at 5 p.m., it doesn't air until 8 p.m., and Sherrod resigned shortly before 8 p.m. and July 19. So technically Fox News, or so the claim goes, didn't cover the story before she resigned and so all those people who claim Fox peddled the Sherrod attack are smearing Fox News!
But of course, Fox News did peddle the story before Sherrod resigned. Fox News peddled the story online. And Fox News peddled it in two different online forums prior to Sherrod's resignation on July 19.
And in a new report from Politico, Fox News Senior Vice President of News Michael Clemente confirms that fact [emphasis added]:
But FoxNews.com did run a story about the existence of the video, titled "Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer" at 5:58 p.m. on Monday, an hour before the Agriculture Department announced Sherrod’s resignation. And Wednesday, Clemente told POLITICO that was a mistake.
"There was a breakdown in the system, and it is being addressed," he said. "But it must say something about the power of Fox, that a week after she resigned, we're still talking about this."
The breakdown occurred following Fox's afternoon news meeting that day, when Clemente, according to The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz offered the following advice: "Let's take our time and get the facts straight on this story. Can we get confirmation and comments from Sherrod before going on-air. Let's make sure we do this right."
Clemente said he gave the advice in the meeting, not in a memo to staff, and his guidance clearly did not make it down to the reporter and producers who put the story on FoxNews.com.
And note this:
Earlier in the day, Fox Nation, a news and opinion website run by Fox News, posted a YouTube version of the video under the headline," Obama Official Discriminates Against White Farmer," with a link to Breitbart's post.
The first comment on the Fox Nation articles is at 1:43 p.m., about five hours after Breitbart posted the video to his site.
And keep in mind a subsequent Foxnews.com article seemed to take credit for ousting Sherrod:
The Agriculture Department announced Monday, shortly after FoxNews.com published its initial report on the video, that Sherrod had resigned.
So yes Fox News defenders, please keep telling us how nobody connected with Fox News peddled the Sherrod story before she resigned. But just don't tell it to the SVP of Fox News, because even he's not buying it.
John Stewart does a great impersonation of Beck following the money trail from Newscorp to Republicans.
Hey, cat...I don't agree with Sewart much, fun there's no denying his comical skill.
He Is funny. (most of the time)
but really 1 mil?
That's peanuts in the scheme of things.