NFL week 2


Well-Known Member
Two comments thus far...

1. I'd sure like to see replays of the Janikowski FG try where Shanahan called a timeout before the kick, supposedly. Was the play already started? CBS was kind enough to not show any replays on that.

2. Cleveland-Cincinnati. I don't think I need to say any more than that.
referee Walt Anderson ruled that Denver had called a timeout just before the snap

The Raiders beat their competition. The officials beat the Raiders, time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time.
I hate to, but I agree you got robbed. All the same a win is a win and a loss is a loss, so just like they tell us Seahawk fans when we get screwed in the Superbowl. Too bad so sad....Get over it!
Well, I thought we looked good against San Diego. I know people will question the results and such, but still, San Diego is supposed to be a top team this year and we pretty much manhandled them.
Well, I thought we looked good against San Diego. I know people will question the results and such, but still, San Diego is supposed to be a top team this year and we pretty much manhandled them.

Probably knew every play they called offense and defense, for the entire game. Wasn't Gillette built during the Belicheat regime? Most likely it has the best state of the art surveilance system money can buy on the vising sideline. Perhaps you'd have won anyway but likely not as covincingly. Let's just see how the Pats look on the road against a quality opponent.
Didn't we beat them last year, in SD, during the playoffs?

Just some road stats for the Pats:

2002 - 4-4
2003 - 6-2
2004 - 6-2
2005 - 5-3
2006 - 7-1

So 28-12 over the last 5 years on the road isn't to shabby... 70%...
I was pleasantly shocked to learn my Bucs beat the Aints. It won't happen in the rematch.

Titans gave the Colts a good game. Another mild surprise.

The Battle of Ohio, a guaranteed snoozer, turns out to be the most exciting game of the week.

Green Bay, Detroit, Houston, Sanny Fanny...all 2-0. I would have liked to have had a couple hundred on THAT in Vegas.
They had people on the sidelines monitoring the Pat's staff to see what they were seeing. They won fair and square.
Cause you were concerned with how we would fare on the road? Just saying, we've done well away from home too.

Yeah in the past when they used to be able to take their homefield avantage on the road with them, you know the Patriots version of the 12th man.....


Let's see this year. I'll grant you this year you probably have the best team yet, and will still probably fare well on the road, but I'm betting some team nobody thinks is worthy is going to embarass you in a road game, probably Miami or Buffalo, but perhaps another team. I'd bet a dollar to a hole in a doughnut you drop one in Dallas, or Indy or both. The Ravens, Bengals, an Giants, could pull upsets, but I doubt that, but look for at leat one or two road losses that make you wonder....
The Raiders beat their competition. The officials beat the Raiders, time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time.

Much as I couln't care less about the Raiders, they got phuqued. Best game yesterday was the Yankees-Red Sox. :D
They had people on the sidelines monitoring the Pat's staff to see what they were seeing.

Where did you get that information from if you can tell me because I'd really like to see that for myself, I've heard nothing about that. Also in order to keep an eye on them they'd need several people on the sideline and one up in the booth, and is that really the way it should be in the NFL?

Cheaters should lose their careers, period. Michael Vick did, and he's just a kid, with time yet to learn from his mistakes, which incidentally had nothing at all to ddo with football in the first place. Belichick is a grown man, with a long history of showing a lack of character, the leader of a team, the very face of a franchise. The Patriots are tainted as long as Belicheat is coach. Get used to it woodman, rumour has it he's signed till 2013.
I couldn't be happier that he is signed through 2013.

And one minor difference with Vick: What he did was ILLEGAL! Does not matter if it was related to football or not. Belicheck did nothing illegal. Immoral, yes. but not illegal.
Where did you get that information from if you can tell me because I'd really like to see that for myself, I've heard nothing about that. Also in order to keep an eye on them they'd need several people on the sideline and one up in the booth, and is that really the way it should be in the NFL?

Cheaters should lose their careers, period. Michael Vick did, and he's just a kid, with time yet to learn from his mistakes, which incidentally had nothing at all to ddo with football in the first place. Belichick is a grown man, with a long history of showing a lack of character, the leader of a team, the very face of a franchise. The Patriots are tainted as long as Belicheat is coach. Get used to it woodman, rumour has it he's signed till 2013.

I watched the game. They showed the inspectors. Al Michaels and John Madden talked about it quite a bit.
I watched the game. They showed the inspectors. Al Michaels and John Madden talked about it quite a bit.

OK thanks, and I do believe you, but I had hoped for a link.

I am not actually saying the did cheat last night so much as I am saying how do we really know when every indicator tells us the man isn't trustworthy? The taint will remain with the team, as long as he does. This isn't over, not by a long shot. I have no doubt that Belicheat will show his true colors again, probably not for a while, till he thinks the issue is dead. They're on to him, he better be damn careful the next time he tries to pull a fast one, and he will.