NFL week 2

You might be the first person to ever get me to ignore them SnP, that'd be quite an accomplishment to become that irrelevant to me. I don't even have the resident troll on ignore.

At least I am not some insane deluded maniac who thinks he should be living in the Confederate States of 'merica. :rofl4:

Shall I just just tune into Fox News, where the truth lies, and get the "real facts", fair and balanced" style, and form opinions based on no information about actual facts like you do then? Would that make me a better person?

On second thought I'll keep taking in inforation from diverse reputable sources and then form my own opinion like I always have.
Ignore me all you want, I ain't paid per subscriber.

There used to be a time when someone could make a statement without some paranoid individual demanding a link to everything under the sun. No more I suppose.

And kindly keep the personal insults to yourself. Thank you.
Yeah, what the hell is going on with Cleveland?

The Browns packed up & left town. Baltimore I think. The NFL gave the city the right to all the old info but the Ravens are the Browns & the Browns are some new team than can't even beat the Texans.
Washington leading the NFC east (oh yeah the cowgirls share if they do go on to win)?!? Philly in the Basement with New York?!?

What kind of bizzaro world we livin in?

It's funny to see Philly fans hatin' on McNabb, arguably the best quarterback they have ever had, when it's his recieving corps that's failing, not McNabb.

Any given Sunday....Or maybe Monday....
Doesn't this look like a mugshot?

This one?

Wrong! The first one of Randy Moss is his New England Patriots (cheaters) photo off

The second, is Michael Vick's mugshot, and the third, Randy's mugshot.

Better luck next time and thanks for playing this week's edition of, What NFL Star's Picture Is Not A Mugshot!
Then I win. Peyton had a childrens hospital renamed after him after a HUGE donation. It's not a mugshot.
Yeah if you play the game the way the Patriots would I suppose you would win, but by the rules of the game bringing a fourth picture into it just doesn't work. Have a nice day! And join us on the next game of Which NFL Star's Picture Is Not A Mugshot?