NFL week 6

That sure was nice to have the seahawks not show up and give NO their first win of the season. Very considerate of them.
I thought of the game as a tale of two halves. The first half was the New Orleans of last year. They were on... freakin... fire. The second half saw them go more conservative and kinda fold up on the run while Seattle showed better defense, better hookups on the 20 yard passes. The only problem was Hasselbeck throwing up that late 4Q meatball INT to seal their fate.

Also, Seattles running game has lost its luster. A lack of a 2 prong attack usually spells death for a team in the long run... 'cept for the Patriots it seems.
That sure was nice to have the seahawks not show up and give NO their first win of the season. Very considerate of them.

But if you lived in the PNW, where they get all the inside scoop, you'd understand the genius of Holmgren. I mean, going for it on 4th down inside field goal range when you need a TD AND a field goal, with an onside kick recovery in, us mere mortals can't hope to comprehend the complexities of such sheer coaching excellence. It really is a shame we can't grasp how great the Seahawks truly are. No way any other team in the NFC has a shot to compete with them. Besides it was all the referee's fault anyway. Plus the injuries. And of course the moon was in Venus third quadrant on a day when the high temperature was an odd number coexisting with a Dow Jones average that was a prime number.


I know people still question the team, but 6-0 is a pretty good start... I was more than just a touch nervous though through the middle of the 3rd...
Who questions them. The defense may be a little questionable, but I don't see anyone else who can keep up with them in scoring except maybe Indy.
People are questioning how they win their games, ever since that nasty little incident against the Jets. As for the Colts, I think Dallas is somewhat comparable. They both have good offenses, both on the ground and through the air (given the QB styles are slightly different) and I think Dallas's D may be a little better than Indy's. Either way, I can't wait for the matchups with Indy and Pitt(going to that one). Should be awesome.

And SnP, thanks for the laugh. I think you nailed the mentality of the PNW Hawks fans! :D
No doubt. Twas his 4th?... 5th?... 4 TD day. It made him 3rd on the all time list behind Mashall Faulk and Jim Brown. He'll need 7 to stand alone.
After MNF, where the Falcons laid over and died for the Giants... an interesting side note:

The Giants/Falcons have a football record 12 game win streak for the visiting team. It was a record back at 11... so now its a really cemented record.