Nigeria - Miss World beauty contest


Well-Known Member
I was thinking, maybe they ought to move the contest to ethiopia and publically comment on how skinny the kids are there and how they might make good Ms world contestants some day. :rolleyes:
I remember a few years back, i think it was Calvin Klein who did this photo shoot in a third world country with some of those bony models standing next to these skinny starving kids. To say it was in poor taste doesn't properly describe how it made me feel looking at those pics...
They went to London instead. Musta been too noisy in Zimbabwe or wherever it was.
just too many people dying because they didn't agree with the contest in the first place.....weird folks, it cost 105 lives already....
The protests weren't about the well-fed vs. the starving, they were about those who can't stand the sight of a woman showing off her beauty in public vs. those who think that feminine beauty is a good thing.
The protests took place because of the arrogence of the show. The comment about Allah was like some clowns juggling flaming torches in a dry Arizona forrest and dropping one of them.
I, too, felt that the comment about Muhammed was in bad taste. Nigeria has enough problems without the press throwing molotov's like that around...
Justification? If you start slapping a Tiger in the face and be bites your head off was he justified? No but you sure as hell asked for it.
Are you comparing the human, thinking, reasoning Muslims to a violent tempered animal? If not, they should act like humans & not animals.
And the circus that came to town that day was acting human? Were they even thinking at all? I'm not justifying anything. I'm simply saying what the hell did they expect? These people should never have been there in the first place and they never should have opened their mouths.
They should have expected protests. They should have expected public condemnations.

They should NOT have expected 200 deaths in the streets. Get real, Hex.
Look, don't walk down dark alleyways if you don't want to get mugged. This does not mean you deserve to get mugged if you walk down a dark alley. I'll stop arguing this here.
Why are you blaming the organizers of the event for bad taste? It was a Nigerian newspaper that made the statement about Muhammed, not the NY Times. The pageant organizers tried to take a glamorous, money-making event into a third world country. They probably had some notion that they were spreading the wealth, helping the local economy. Their mistake was thinking that Muslims give a fuck about making money and living well.

I found a quote yesterday that really sums up the Muslim attitude towards life:

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him.

The quote is actually from the Bible, but I'm sure it has its counterpart in the Q'uran. It's a religious view of life that sees this world as something to be rejected in favor of a more perfect life after death. That's why beauty, luxury, money, art, entertainment, etc-- anything that encourages the enjoyment of this life-- have to be removed from society. They believe that to love this world is to reject God.
let us not forget that the reson why miss world was being held in nigeria in the first place (not zimbabwe) was because last years winner of the title was from nigeria

simple logic why they were there really - if miss eithiopia had won they would have gone there.

its not stupid to imagine that if a country enters a contestant then the conditions in that country should also be accepting of the competition as a whole.

the siting of the event in the muslim majority north east was the choice of the nigerian governm,ent and not the miss world organisers - the previous winner is from the christian south west.

this event says as much about the internal conflicts in nigeria as it does of the miss world event which in itself is only the catalyst to the exposure the deaths to the world's media.

the conflicts between christian and muslim in nigeria is constant and ongoing - we just dont get to hear about it

given that fact, should miss world organisers be congratulated for bringing it to our attention?
HeXp£Øi± said:
Look, don't walk down dark alleyways if you don't want to get mugged. This does not mean you deserve to get mugged if you walk down a dark alley. I'll stop arguing this here.

Unfortunately, Hex, you can't attribute common sense to someone visiting from out-of-town. You can try, but, on the whole, you'd be dead wrong. Been there, seen that.

True story...

When stationed overseas, folks in the service are told to dress like the locals, and don't wear anything that may be construed as inflammatory. While stationed in Panama, there was a prime example of heeding that advice. Seems a soldier from Corozal decided the advice wasn't for him, and that he could handle any Panamanian that would give him trouble. Off he went, through the area with the University of Panama, wearing a T-shirt that said "Try and burn this flag" in big, bold letters, with a picture of, of course, the US flag. To top it off, he was wearing a cowboy hat. Needless to say, there was a flag-burning that day, and the soldier spent 3 months in the burn ward of Gorgas, the military hospital.

Names have been omitted to protect the idiot...