
Two from childhood:

1. I had forgotten to feed the dogs, so I was having to go outside at night. I went around the corner of the house and there was this old man with shaggy white hair and tattered clothes sitting beside the house. He opened up his mouth and this fog came out of it that paralyzed me, terrified to the spot.

2. Me and some other kids from the neighborhood were playing out in the street. A UPS truck comes along, and we all step to the side of the road to let him pass. As he goes by, I see his face in the big side view mirror: brown hair and a mustache. He's looking at me intently, and while he's staring at me, suddenly one side of his mustache drops down over his mouth.

One as an adult:

I've only had a few dreams where I really remember seeing vivid colors. In this one, I was with a group of soldiers fighting in a town or village. At one point, we're all hunkered down in this alleyway. The road is just thick, red mud smeared with blood. The red-brick walls of the buildings also have blood smears on them. We're just sitting there talking and there's this one guy who had been real gung ho for the war, kind of a macho, red-neck type. Now that he's seen what it's like he's not so happy about it. He shakes his head real sadly, and says, "you know, I just didn't think it would be like this..."

Suddenly the scene shifts, and he's standing inside a gothic church. His shoulders are slumped, arms hanging loose. In one hand he holds a pistol, and his arm begins to twitch. He raises the gun to his head and pulls the trigger.

I hear the shot, but the scene shifts again to outside the church, a gargoyle's head, and suddenly blood gushes from its mouth.

That's when I woke up.
Ards, two things. My wife tells me that we only dream in black and white, I disagree, I distinctly remember dreaming in color myself.

Second, that's a fucked up dream you had there, man. I'd be waking up sweating from that one.
PuterTutor said:
Ards, two things. My wife tells me that we only dream in black and white, I disagree, I distinctly remember dreaming in color myself.

I don't know if it was a factor or not, but the two dreams I've had that I'm prepared to swear were in color were from a period of my life when I had been 'experimenting' with certain mind-altering substances. (<--Not an endorsement of drug useage.)

Second, that's a fucked up dream you had there, man. I'd be waking up sweating from that one.

It was bad at the time, but you know, it's got a certain literary quality to it that I've always been proud of. One of these days maybe I'll turn it into a short story. ;)
The worst ones are always when I dream someone close to me is dead. I remember waking up at age 6 screaming after a dream where my mum had been run over by a truck. I can still see the dream scene in my head. I think it affected me for life.
i had this recurring dfream where i was locked ina huge complex of white rooms
there was soem blood on the walls, and bloody knives and such
there was a mrderer there, and we were trying to catch him. there were peopel in there, and they were getitng killed by this physco

there are ones where i cnast move but soemtihng is chasing me. i have a fear of dogs (i got chased aroiund the playground by oen is 5th grade) and the dog was runnign afetr me. ti was at the beach, but not the actually sand part, but a road along the dune. the dogs were chasing me, and i coudlnt move.
lots of times i ahve dreams of the next day. i will go to bed on wednsday night, and dream what happens on thursday. i wake up confused as to what is goign on.
The thing that scares me the most is not knowing osmethign. i always think a muderer is aobut to jump out of a closet and kill me. when i go into the rom i check it, and im always looking over my shoulder. I am totally paranoid
some dream in black and white others dream in colour

PuterTutor wrote:
Ards, two things. My wife tells me that we only dream in black and white, I disagree, I distinctly remember dreaming in color myself.

there are both. Freud even talked about them i dont remember exactly and im too lazy to get my notes out 2 hourse before my class but he did discuss the differences. to get more look for teh interpertation of dreams. other psychologist had different ideas as well. and mine last night was colour.
I somtimes suffer from sleep paralysis , very scary. I wake up and find that I can't move and I can't talk or shout, but I can see.
Somtimes during one of these episodes I have felt a hand pressing down on my forehead (no one is there of course).
Thats pretty scary
My English teacher told me about something nlike that. Her bedroom was on the ground floor and there was a big window next to it. I man opened the window when she was in bed. He stuck his head in and looked around. My teacher was so scared she couldn't move. Then she screamed and the guy ran away. The police found him later

One thing that happens to me too is scary. I will wake up and there is a terrible pain in my leg. not liek a cut but like there is acid under my skin.and i can't do anything. It stays for a few minutes and goes away. Something like that happens at other times. My arm will just shake and i can't do anything about it. Not like a seizure, more liek small jerking movements.