NIP/TUCK??? Going under the knife!!!


Well-Known Member
Plastic surgery is the new form of self improvement these days. Sure Yoga and exercise will be around forever but surgery is fast becoming the popular new way to improve self image and gain confidence in one's is it really so bad going under the knife? Surgery seems to be shallow and easy way out according to many people but does that belief take root in religious convictions or is it simply a shallow thing according to them?

Do you find it to be an unsafe solution given the fact that most procedures go over well even though the risk is still considerably high?

Also if you abhor plastic surgery then why? Isn't exercise a poor form of self improvement in ways? Pushing yourself daily against constant adversity present in the mind, pain, contorting in and out of uncomfortable positions to see little to no results for months....whereas a simple gastric bypass followed by few liposuction treatments, skin graphs, implants here and there and collagen injections and you're a new person sans the torture.

Either way it is change in the body for the better..or is it? The benefits of shaping up through exercise go without saying but is even minor plastic surgery bad? To fix the nicks and scrapes here and there?

Breats implants were up 33% in 2003 since 2002....its a social phenomenon that is here to stay it is it a shallow, quick, fix to you, a option only reserved as a last resort or an easy smart decision if the funds are aplenty?
IDLEchild said:
Plastic surgery is the new form of self improvement these days. Sure Yoga and exercise will be around forever but surgery is fast becoming the popular new way to improve self image and gain confidence in one's is it really so bad going under the knife? Surgery seems to be shallow and easy way out according to many people but does that belief take root in religious convictions or is it simply a shallow thing according to them?

Simply shallow in most cases...

IDLEchild said:
Do you find it to be an unsafe solution given the fact that most procedures go over well even though the risk is still considerably high?

No. Just unnecessary. It clogs up hospitals and keeps doctors from actually healing the sick.

IDLEchild said:
Also if you abhor plastic surgery then why? Isn't exercise a poor form of self improvement in ways? Pushing yourself daily against constant adversity present in the mind, pain, contorting in and out of uncomfortable positions to see little to no results for months....whereas a simple gastric bypass followed by few liposuction treatments, skin graphs, implants here and there and collagen injections and you're a new person sans the torture.

Don't confuse the two. One way is natural, and, once you get into the actual habit, not life-threatening. Society is full of people who do as little as possible, and continually try to find the easy way to do everything. Self-improvement should not mean another person with a sharp object slicing into you.

IDLEchild said:
Either way it is change in the body for the better..or is it? The benefits of shaping up through exercise go without saying but is even minor plastic surgery bad? To fix the nicks and scrapes here and there?

Breats implants were up 33% in 2003 since 2002....its a social phenomenon that is here to stay it is it a shallow, quick, fix to you, a option only reserved as a last resort or an easy smart decision if the funds are aplenty?

To place a period onto this, I'll say one thing...genetics tells all. Be yourself, and you'll be happier. ;)
IDLEchild said:
Either way it is change in the body for the better..or is it? The benefits of shaping up through exercise go without saying but is even minor plastic surgery bad? To fix the nicks and scrapes here and there?

I only support aesthetic surgery in cases when it is needed, like scars or burns, perhaps even when the appearance of the person can be improved by a small surgery like those that fix the nose for example, but going any further than a small detail is just another way to increase the self esteem (for a short while) of an already sick mind.
if i exercised all day and all night forever i would still have all the extra skin from multiple could take care of this...would i do it? my cheap ass? probably not. plastic surgery is used in many cases where people have lost vast amounts of weight and have "remnants" ie. carnie wilson. i think that it's perfectly acceptable in this case.

i suppose plastic surgery can do wonderful things, especially with children who've had accidents or have birth defects (cleft palate, some kinds of birthmarks) and i suppose it's good for adults that have deformities or have had accidents....i have an old friend that was mauled by 2 pit was wonderful for him. i do have a problem with people who use it as a form of age's shallow and vain.
tonks said:
if i exercised all day and all night forever i would still have all the extra skin from multiple could take care of this...would i do it? my cheap ass? probably not. plastic surgery is used in many cases where people have lost vast amounts of weight and have "remnants" ie. carnie wilson. i think that it's perfectly acceptable in this case.

i suppose plastic surgery can do wonderful things, especially with children who've had accidents or have birth defects (cleft palate, some kinds of birthmarks) and i suppose it's good for adults that have deformities or have had accidents....i have an old friend that was mauled by 2 pit was wonderful for him. i do have a problem with people who use it as a form of age's shallow and vain.

1. No such thing as 'extra skin', love. That phrase was invented by people in the past to destroy the self-esteem of women in the present and future. ;) I still don't see the need for having somebody slice into you for the sake of 'beauty' when the definition of beauty is always changing.

2. There's a difference between plastic surgery (the carnie wilson part), reconstructive surgery (the pit-bull part), and corrective surgery (the birth defect part). The first is elective/subjective, the second is objective/non-elective, and the third is objective/elective. If you can't see the difference, then all the explaining in the world won't sway you.
Elective cosmetic plastic surgery is for those that have too much money. They are probably the only people in the world with too much money but they have it.
Age gracefully but fight growing old at all costs.
Forgot to add one thing...

You can't call it self-improvement if somebody is doing it for you (this includes surgery)
BeardofPants said:
But... but... where would the porn industry be without it? :eek: No boobies and doctored pussies. Oh no! :tardbang:

That's not self-improvement. I put that under assissted self-mutilation. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Don't confuse the two. One way is natural, and, once you get into the actual habit, not life-threatening. Society is full of people who do as little as possible, and continually try to find the easy way to do everything. Self-improvement should not mean another person with a sharp object slicing into you.

See I agree but I can not find a real concrete reason why. Is ease of use really such a bad thing? Granted all plastic models molded through surgery tend to look the same but if that was avioded would it be any better than?..I am guessing the answer is a stern no.

Ultimetly if happiness is drawn through this procedure than is it really so bad. Tattoos and piercings are another form of self expression, self mutilation but it is the individual's choice to treat his/her body as a canvas be it a little fairy tattoo to tongue slicing...either way it is self expression given tangible form...technically just as valid as self expression through words and as words arouse anger and response so do these "works of art" they not?...

Now your usual plastic surgery isn't do deep rooted in metaphors and philisophical value but either way it is realization of the current ideals of an individual is it not?

Be yourself, and you'll be happier. ;)

That is one simple statement that takes years to learn and understand. Someone who is down and out on their luck in this image hungry world this is the last thing they think about. Being yourself is not an option for many and how many are truly themselves ever....eventually they start to lie to themselves.

Luis G said:
I only support aesthetic surgery in cases when it is needed, like scars or burns, perhaps even when the appearance of the person can be improved by a small surgery like those that fix the nose for example, but going any further than a small detail is just another way to increase the self esteem (for a short while) of an already sick mind.

A small nose fix seems to me a more shallow decision than getting a liposuction or breast implants. It is, after all, only a nose right whereas Breast implants can offer a whole new alternative to a persons look. You mentioned

Luis G said:
perhaps even when the appearance of the person can be improved

Isn't what this whole new trend is about? Not using plastic surgery for a last resort means but more as a first option there is. What is the real disturbing phenomenon here? Using synthetic means to gain beauty or the popularization of this trend to a cultural norm?

How much can we blame the media for this comfortable, relaxed view of plastic surgery? When T.V shows start popping up where people are promised a sexy new look through medicine, lost teens can't help but be perplexed by the whole trend.
IDLEchild said:
See I agree but I can not find a real concrete reason why. Is ease of use really such a bad thing? Granted all plastic models molded through surgery tend to look the same but if that was avioded would it be any better than?..I am guessing the answer is a stern no.

So you're a proponent of sameness. Everybody looking the same, acting the same, living the same, working the same...Damn that's boring. Our differences make us who we are, and our beauty is contained in who we are, not what we look like.

One phrase comes to mind...Shallow Hal needs a gal...;)
Gato_Solo said:
So you're a proponent of sameness.

Being near fashion wannabes all day trust me...that is far from the truth. :D

Everybody looking the same, acting the same, living the same, working the same...Damn that's boring.

Shhh....didn't you notice 95% of America already does that.

Our differences make us who we are, and our beauty is contained in who we are, not what we look like.

Agreed but now the concern is how many truly understand that? Why do all the guys hit the gym, all the women who work out and then hit starbucks?...I hardly think fitness and health benefits in old age are the first thing on their is all a game is it not, a twisted mating ritual where the weapons are looks and social status?

All the muscle clad men look the same, all the scantly clad models on runways look the same so is individuality looking the part or playing the part? Standing out and being unique comes from personality and plastic surgery isn't the only thing supressing individuality, it is the social atmosphere that is. The quote "Everyone tries to be an individual in the same way" comes to mind.

Our differences do make us who we are and more often than not they also get us laughed at...ofcourse anyone can say "what do you care what they think" but that has to be on of the dumbest things said to an impressionable person....ofcourse you care and saying otherwise makes you a liar. I see it as a form of comfort....You look the part so now you can expect the fruits in return easily, you don't have to actually bring out your personality in order to be noticed right away, you don't have to face being rejected on your thoughts alone....If I am beautiful then I am loved, That smart and witty individual is not match because i simply look better and surely enough the opposite sex falls for this.

At the end of the day we do agree but our reasons on why are different I guess.

One phrase comes to mind...Shallow Hal needs a gal...;)[/QUOTE]
BeardofPants said:
But... but... where would the porn industry be without it? :eek: No boobies and doctored pussies. Oh no! :tardbang:

It would save a lot of illusions of teenagers being shattered when they finally get to hop into bed with someone if they didn't nip, tuck and trim pornstars :D (unless they happen to hop into bed with a pornstar o' course).

of a teen my experience with porn was all 1970's illegally imported german was quite a relief to finally discover that not all women were quite that hairy :eek: (germanic ladies in the 70's seemed to enjoy the bohemian look)

I've had plastic surgery....or reconstructive surgery if ya like. A couple of years ago I had a rhinoplasty (nose job) operation to repair a badly broken nose.......and it hurt like buggery ...... of course, a couple of months later I got into a stupid fight and it got broken again :eh: never been tempted to get it repaired again....not much into vanity.......and got no ambitions to be a film star ;)
Well if its not STRICTLY cosmetic (burns, birth defects, etc) as people have already said then I have no problem with it. And if the person makes their living based on their looks (models, news casters, etc.) then surgically maximizing their looks to the cultural ideal is just good business and I have no problem with that either. I guess i feel a natural condensention toward "normal" folk who just want to one up the neighbor with a chin tuck or a bit of lipsuction. But in the end I find this feeling to be irrational as there is no real logical basis for having it. I had a friend who was over weight and got her stomach stapled and wound up losing 140 pounds or something when she really would never try to excercise before. her complaint was that it just was too hard and nothing seemed to work. maybe so. but shes vain as hell now and shes only reinforced my disgust in the quick fix have it all american way of thinking.
ahh... yet another time on otc when i clicked on a thread with one opinion in mind, and posted in it having formed a different one :-/

i suppose it's another "to each, their own" sort of deal...
if i can spend money on tattoos and piercings (which i havent done yet but still plan on)...
how can i be against someone else spending money on in/deflating certain body parts and such?

personal preference, i suppose. and with beauty being in the eye of the beholder (or in some cases, the beerholder, as they say ^_^)...
i might think that guy with the tattoos and piercings and other whack stuff done to him is fucking hawtt.
you might not.
i might think that the broad with the breastices that could not have possibly been formed by god or cellular biology or whatever else might exist out there, and the tiny nose and other procedures done is really ugly and fake looking.
the line of drooling men and maybe women trailing behind her obviously disagrees...

I've never been a huge fan of plastic surgery merely for aesthetic-ego reasons (looking younger, looking sexier, bigger breasts, larger penis, hair plugs etc...), but even I have to admit that certain surgical procedures have impacts far beyond their original intents.

ie: Someone who wishes to lose weight and has been fighting with obesity for decades, trying diet after diet, different types of excersize regimens etc...and has seen no results (be it from genetics or bad effort), should not be blamed should they decide that liposuction or stomach stapling/binding would be their next logical step. provides a nearly immediate solution to a weight problem, but that person has to have a desire to maintain their new form. They may even be doing it for health reasons...lord knows that there are countless medical conditions associated with being overweight.

All the liposuction in the world will only last so long on a diet of ding-dongs and couch-potato fever. Eventually...the surgery will have to be repeated, or the person will either decide that they are comforteable with their shape or that they're willing to make an effort to maintain their new form.

By impacts beyond their intent, I mean that someone who is given a 'new lease on life' through plastic surgery...may gain self-respect as a fringe benefit. They are a new person...people treat them differently, they think of themselves differently, they begin respecting their body more and improve themselves beyond the surgery. Their self-respect can even lead them to the point where they would never consider surgery again...that they're now willing to work for their bodies and their health.

Imagine that...a surgical procedure that implanted self-respect.

There are numerous types of plastic surgery that are well warranted ...removal of burns/scars/warts/growths etc... These are of no fault of the person...and I don't see any problem with those types of corrections any more than I would see fault with someone going to a hair-removal clinic, or getting contact's minor.

I do have an issue with chin-lifts/eye-work/collogen implants/nose jobs/Botox treatments etc... surgery meant only to try and cheat aging. Aging is a natural will catch up to you no matter how much surgery you get.
On a side note, before Brandi and I split up the gastric bypass surgery was a frequent topic of discussion in the household. We spoke recently, and she's lost 40 pounds since September without surgery. It's amazing what eating less and being up and around more can do.