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molṑn labé
Staff member
The Philadelphia School District has launched a new advance in the battle to indoctrinate school children into the "gay" agenda with its announcement that October is "Gay and Lesbian History Month."

"If there is a parent who wants to remove their child from school," district spokesman Fernando Gallard told the report, "they would have to deal with the truancy regulations."


So, if you like same-sex sex, you can now become a historical figure.
Truancy? How about an order of private school, with a side of "go fuck yourself" Mr. District Spokesman.
Who ever made that up should do some reasearch on were children come from...But then the far left agenda is to do away with human habitation of earth...
For those with easily bruised diversity bones...

Gay and Lesbian History Month was added for the first time this year in an effort to be more inclusive and follow a long-standing district policy requiring equity for all races and minority groups, said Cecilia Cummings, the district's senior vice president for communications and community relations. It is one of four special history months noted, along with Hispanic Heritage in September, African American in February, and Asian Pacific American in May.

Philly paper that fails to mention a word about truancy or consequences for failing to follow the agenda.
Bite your tongue. Every month is white history month. Maybe they'll start bi-racial month sometime soon. (stolen from a Pittsburgh colimnist)
Yeah, well, where the fuck is Scottish History Month? Armenian History Month?

I'm being discriminated against because of my cultural heritage. Oh, wait, no, I'm a white anglo saxon protestant man. There's no such thing as discrimination against me.
No different than Black History month. That probabaly drives you mad too though.

You bet it does. History happened all at one, to everyone, at the same time. If the 'black' perspective can't be taught at the same time as the 'white', then someone needs to sit the fuck down and rewrite the ciriculum, and start firing some people in dire need of firing. If you want to have more specialised 'electives' by all means. But so long as you have 'common' and 'black' as separate entities ... you'll always have racism.
If the 'black' perspective can't be taught at the same time as the 'white', then someone needs to sit the fuck down and rewrite the ciriculum, and start firing some people in dire need of firing.

I'm with you there. If black, white, asian, gay, lesbian, etc. history were all given equal treatment then maybe there wouldn't be a need.

It's hardly "indoctrination" though.
Actually, the way our educational system is, it's very difficult to have a contrary viewpoint.

Last year, for instance, the class read a short article on how Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" should be banned from schools because of the language used in it.

I wrote that we were judging an 1870s book by 2000s standards, and that it's a dumb thing to do. And that there's no reason to ban any sort of literature in a country of free speech. And that if certain people would take the time to read the damn book instead of getting offended and trying to get some publicity, they wouldn't be trying to ban it.

Of course, this got me threatened with suspension, letter to parents, all that fun stuff.

The way I see it, by identifying yourself as a member of a group, you lose your individuality and become just another faceless herd animal. People associate themselves too closely with a certain group, and it ain't right.
I think I do a decent job of avoiding youngster talk, with the exception of the verb "like", which I tend to replace "said" with.

There are some people I know, however, that are completely horrible. I occasionally mock them. I find it enjoyable, and the people I do it in front of usually find it funny. Dry humor is amazing. Especially when the people you're making fun of don't get it.