And as long as I'm on a sopabox, I may as well preach...
Wanna know what irks me the most? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway. This kid's school sits literally at the foot of a mountain in the Appalachian chain. Within easy walking distance there are numerous hiking trails and other available outdoor learning resources. This area is rich in history and culture. So for social studies, they are being subjected to an in depth study of Mayan Indians. Now, I don't personally know any Mayan Indians. I have every reason to believe that they are, on the whole, a fine bunch of people who if given the chance would do me no harm. But I betcha a dollar to a doughnut that their kids ain't learnin' about Appalachian culture in school...they're learning their OWN cultural history. So presumably, we're soon gonna have a whole passel of kids running around who can tell you all about the Mayan Indians and their history and culture, but know very little of their own vanishing culture.
God knows I try. I have taken the kid to see (and help) apple butter be made outdoors in iron kettles. She has seen lye soap made. She has been told how to make hominy the old-fashioned way. She has been exposed to shape note gospel singing, she helps us decorate our Christmas tree with strings of popcorn and cranberries for garland instead of that infernal shit you buy at WalMart, she adores bluegrass music and can identify the basic core instruments involved by tone, and she has seen authentic mountain crafts, dance, art, music, and life skills in demonstration and in practice. I take it as my responsibility to teach her these things. But dammit, the school is missing an excellent opportunity to keep the native culture of its region alive...instead, they get the damn Mayan Inidians.
This is flat out wrong. I don't care where in the world you live, there is an indigenous culture prevalent in the area, and it has value. If you as parents don't teach it to your kids, who will? If you're an American, non-minority, and waiting for the school to do it...yer screwed.
Gets my blood aboiling...