No declaration of victory


molṑn labé
Staff member
On May 1, 2003, 9PM EDT, Dubya will declare an end to hostilities with Iraq. He will not declare victory, assumingly since we didn't "conquer" the country, just its regime. The announcement will be made from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, where he will spend the night with the sailors & airmen, disembarking before they reach dock so he doesn't completely screw up their homecoming.

He's going to make a "cable-landing" on the carrier. I bet the Secret Service is having a cow :D

Why would there be a victory declaration? Supposedly it was the Iraqi people who won. Victory is theirs, not his.

So, the regime ends as it began, draped in the American flag

By Jay O'Three

OCCUPIED BAGHDAD, IRAQ - 4/10/03 As the Marines continued their daily killing sprees in the streets of Baghdad, some of the "liberated" citizens took time out from their looting to deface a statue of Saddam Hussein in downtown Baghdad. A Marine first draped the statue in an American flag to drive home the point that liberation did not come without a price, homage to the conquering superpower. Besides the murder of thousands of its people, the invasion has also brought an entire week without electricity and a blockade of the city which has prevented relief organizations from delivering food. They have prevented Red Cross volunteers from helping people they have shot and bombed, and they killed one of them "accidentally." A US tank fired on journalists in the Palestine Hotel killing two of them. Initialy, they claimed they were being fired on, but ultimately admitted that they actually saw some binoculars. Apparently, these Weapons of Mass Magnification provoked the soldiers enough to kill the reporters who were not telling the story the way the Pentagon wanted it. They discovered a bunker containing barrels of what was first reported to be ingredients for chemical weapons but, as they were in an agricultural compound, ultimately turned out to be nothing more than Weapons of Mass Pesticide. They took over the airwaves, and have started broadcasting a pathetic speech by President MORON saying that they should be grateful that soldiers are killin' them day and night, because that's the price of liberty.....
Nah. It will probably be a salty Lt. Commander thats been a flight wing chief for a decade. Nothing phases those guys. It might also be one of the Airforce One pilots. Those guys are rated to do anything.

the no declaration of victory at least gives good hope that the us will keep her promiss; giving back the country to the people over there.
We wont declare victory because it would mean that we have to cease looking for Saddam and his lackeys. Its one of those Marquis of Queensbury rules or something that we signed with the UN a gazillion years ago.
unclehobart said:
Geneva Convention?

That's the one. We'd also have to let go of the POWs. Some of them aren't ready to be reintroduced into a civil society yet.

The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11th, 2001 and still goes on.