New Member
"Well, she and I were having a fistfight when all of a sudden she fell down, her pants came off, and my dick fell in her pussy." is not the same as "Well, she and I were having a fistfight when she fell down and hit her head and died." The former has no credibility and the latter would be considered second degree murder or negligent homicide due to the mutual combat aspect.
Zero point in that paragraph.
Who knows the criminal mind? The thought that getting caught could send one to death row could make someone try to eliminate the witness. Witnesses have been eliminated for far less. Burglary victims found murdered in their burning home. Criminals will try to cover up their crime in whatever manner available.
A question "Who knows the criminal mind?" as if it's impossible or something. Followed by weird generalizations by Jimbo seemingly claiming to know the criminal mind.
Specious argument. It is the number of stories one now sees on child murder with one's own eyes regardless of the media source. The chances now are that when you see that a child has disappeared they will be found dead. This was not the norm several years ago before all of these enhancements to the laws.
Made up facts about the "norm" with zero evidence to back up the claim. Faulty logic claiming a new norm because of legal enhancements without showing the norm has even changed let alone a correlation to specific changes in any laws.
Some people are less mentally equipped than others. Just a fact of life. Two people can go through the same trauma in the same event and one goes on to a fruitful life while the other eats a 9mm. Go figure.
Was there a point to this paragraph?
She now sleeps with a handgun purchased for her by her boyfriend. She says she doesn't sleeep as soundly as she used to but I don't sleep as soundly as I used to before I had kids. I once slept through a 65 car train derailment which happened 300 yerds from me. After I had kids, and my wife stressed the importance of my sleeping lighter, tghen I simply did. I didn't have to be traumatized to sleeop lighter.
Point of this paragraph? Jimbos kids and wife have made him sleep lighter. Wonderful.
I did consider what you said and considered it specious on its merit. Done.
No, what you did was to avoid the point.
Again, a specious argument on your part. The FBI victim stats show clearly that you are wrong;
What FBI victim stats show that he is wrong? You have neither shown any stats nor related exactly how they prove anything wrong.
1. If the penalty has no enhancement then it is a parallel opunishment. You can't get any worse so why not simply off the victim? The penalty is the same.
Faulty logic again Jim. Nothing to back up your claim. You're assuming that a criminal will commit every crime that has an equal punishment and that rape victims would be safer or there would be less rape if the penalty for the crime was less.
Sorry but you can't just make up outlandish claims and not support them with real facts.
If the death penalty is not a deterrent, then why don't more people commit murder? Why haven't you? Why haven't I? Because we know we would get caught and spend the rest of our lives outside of society. But sometimes the psyche takes over and emotions rule the day and thatr is when people find themselves behind bars. There are also those who get qa thrill out of committing crimes and do not care a whit what happens to them after they get caught. They do care before they get caught, however.
Pointless baseless paragraph.
2. If it were a deterrent then Islamic countries would be crime free.
Faulty logic again. If the death penalty is a deterrent it means that there would be less crime than without the death penalty. 100% effectiveness is not required to be considered a deterrent. Actually any level of effectiveness would qualify it as a deterrent.