Well-Known Member
I've been reading a bit and noting that everyone's jumping down everyone else's throat at the slightest offence. Therefore, in order to save having to travel and shake some sense into everyone, I would like to prepose the following rule for inclusion in the AUP.
Any joke must at all times be followed by the j/k character. Anything not followed immediately by j/k can and will be jumped on and taken out of context by any and all members with
a) pissed on cornflakes
b) PMS or their tampon in too tight
c) a bug up their ass
d) no sense of humour.
Use of the j/k as a general defense tactic may result in the offending member being sent to the Kiddie Korner until he can behave in an acceptable and reasonable manner. Said manner being decided by the site's management.
BTW j/k
Any joke must at all times be followed by the j/k character. Anything not followed immediately by j/k can and will be jumped on and taken out of context by any and all members with
a) pissed on cornflakes
b) PMS or their tampon in too tight
c) a bug up their ass
d) no sense of humour.
Use of the j/k as a general defense tactic may result in the offending member being sent to the Kiddie Korner until he can behave in an acceptable and reasonable manner. Said manner being decided by the site's management.
BTW j/k