no more drunk phone calls to the ex!!!!

Great idea. Have the phone block the number to Domino's when yer wasted, so you have to DRIVE there and pick up the pizza.

eat pizza while drunk? *puke*

Nothing beats some nice tacos al pastor with lots of lemon and onion :headbang:
so the Russian just walked up eating cherries and asked

'how do you spell "pussy" '

You know... I'm not sure it's a good idea to have you alone in the same house as a 12-year-old Russian girl who seems to know nothing about how *those* sort of things work.
sadly enough she was trying to look up a
Pussycat Dolls video

"promiscuous girls"

can someone tell me just what I've gotten myself into?
So long as she knows normal people don't walk around dressed like that, Pussycat Dolls isn't so bad. Could be worse :eek:
Winky said:
sadly enough she was trying to look up a
Pussycat Dolls video

"promiscuous girls"

can someone tell me just what I've gotten myself into?

Nelly Furtado also does a song called "Promiscuous Girl" ,incase Pussy doesn't achieve the desired searchfor the song.:evilgrin:
Third thread I've seen a '12 year old Russian' and I still don't know what the hell the winkmeister is talking about.
Winky said:
sadly enough she was trying to look up a
Pussycat Dolls video

"promiscuous girls"

can someone tell me just what I've gotten myself into?

Pretty much the closest thing to Hell we can experience in this life: Sharing domicile with a teenage girl. I'm sending you positive thoughts. If that ain't enough, I suggest earplugs for you and a leash in the yard for her. :laugh:
*Thanks [insert the diety of your choice here] that he has a boy - for the first of what will undoubtedly be many times today*
Though I once did hope for a girl, I got over that quick and I second the yay I have boys glee.