No National ID Card

ok Minks do tell us how any previous administration has done anything that even comes close
to the crap we've witnessed since 2008? dude I mean seriously :bash:
no widdle commie
what Osambo and his crew have done
its the beginning of the end

Well ok then I'll concede the fact that you are right
nothing this administration has done is fundamentally different from past administrations

Everything is peachy keen

and things will go on pretty much as they have in the past

and history will repeat...
i don't recall saying everything was peachy keen.

you're battling the windmill again fruitcake.
What else would you expect from a racist homophobic gun loving right-wing extremist?

No in fact as explained by me kid:
things are indeed peachy keen at least for those who maneuver themselves into the proper strata of society
(which I can not help but agree with)
but then hasn't it been that way throughout human history?

I also have to agree with him that this charade of deficit spending can continue far longer than anyone imagines.
There are many powerful interested parties that have a vested interest in seeing it continue.

So the object is to get in thar and cart off as much as you can load into a wheelbarrow and stash that bootie baby!
No in fact as explained by me kid:
things are indeed peachy keen at least for those who maneuver themselves into the proper strata of society
(which I can not help but agree with)
but then hasn't it been that way throughout human history?

yes chicken little, it has been.

what would the dull do without the internet? how would they collect the signs?