no Santa?? *sniff*


Well-Known Member
So last night I let it slip that I'm the one that bought the gift my daughter got from "Santa" :eek: So, I did what any good parent would do .. I tried to lie my way out of it :D .. just kidding ... I sat her down and explained that parents get the gifts on behalf of the big dude ...and that we do that because in each of us is a "Santa" that wants to give to other people ... and when we give to other people in another person's name, it's because we don't want the credit .. we just want other people to be happy.

*Whew* ... good save or what? :headbang:
Good try, tried it myself. Honestly though, she's probably very aware the whole Santa thing is a farce now though. Don't worry, they all find out eventually. At least it wasn't done in meaness. My youngest son found out because his big sister wanted to hurt him with the news.
I was wondering what the age was that kids generally find that out. There are four kids in my sister's family--10, 9, 6 and 2. I think the 10 and 9 year olds probably know, but I'm not sure.
Average age for my kids was around 6. They usually find out from some other punk at school. (Yep, 6 year old punk).
My boys knew early on - around 6 or 7, I think, but they didn't say anything because they didn't want to hurt my feelings. I think deep down my daugher knew, but wanted to keep a little of that magic ... even for just a little while longer ...

but you remember that note from Santa who ate her cookies? I was honest there .. I told her "I definitely did not write that note or eat those cookies" ... hopefully that'll keep a little bit of magic for her :)
greenfreak said:
I was wondering what the age was that kids generally find that out.

I tried to explain it to my daughter last year when she was five, because I didn't see the whole point of the deception. I tried to explain about how Santa was just pretend, and we like to pretend that the gifts are from him. She argued me out of it... Santa does exist dammit, and no one was going to tell her different! This year, I just went with it. :eh:
Ardsgaine said:
She argued me out of it... Santa does exist dammit, and no one was going to tell her different! This year, I just went with it. :eh:

I'm sooooooo proud of your daughter :santabng:
Oh, that's not the worst of it. Once she had Santa back safe and sound she began exploiting him. We were reading a book that had (real) reindeer in it one day, and I explained to her that this was what reindeer were really like, they don't really fly. She thought about that a bit, and then told me that there must be some who can fly because Santa needs them in order to deliver all those presents in time...

After watching The Fellowship of the Ring I explained to her that there wasn't really any such thing as orcs and hobbits and dwarves and elves. She thought about that for a bit, and then she told me that there have to be some elves, because Santa needs them to make all those toys...

Before you know it, she will have used Santa to get back every magical little fairy creature out there... including kindly government bureaucrats, and good-hearted communist officials. :rolleyes: :p ;)
greenfreak said:
I was wondering what the age was that kids generally find that out.
I found out that easter bunny didn't exist at the age of 7... by a TV comercial :( My mother still tried to tell me that Santa was different but I didn't believe her anymore...
Ardsgaine said:
Oh, that's not the worst of it. Once she had Santa back safe and sound she began exploiting him. We were reading a book that had (real) reindeer in it one day, and I explained to her that this was what reindeer were really like, they don't really fly. She thought about that a bit, and then told me that there must be some who can fly because Santa needs them in order to deliver all those presents in time...

After watching The Fellowship of the Ring I explained to her that there wasn't really any such thing as orcs and hobbits and dwarves and elves. She thought about that for a bit, and then she told me that there have to be some elves, because Santa needs them to make all those toys...

Before you know it, she will have used Santa to get back every magical little fairy creature out there... including kindly government bureaucrats, and good-hearted communist officials. :rolleyes: :p ;)

You deserve all this and more. You tried to break the Santa news before she was ready. Dammit, man, they grow up too fast anyway...
My 7 year old and 4 year old still believe. Homeys right on this they grow up fast enough as it is. And while santa might not do all the mythical things, there was a real st.nick. He did go about(not the whole world) and give unto others. Unfortunately over the years he has become commercialized for the benefit of corporations.