No Sex? No Pizza? What Is This, a Prison?


New Member
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Deprived of their flat-screen TVs, mobile phones, pizza deliveries and long visits from lovers, inmates at Mexico's top security prison complained on Monday they are being treated "like dogs."


If having pizza and flat screen TV's is a "human right" than dammit, where the hell is mine? I can't afford pizza and falt screen TV's.
The standard of living in the Federal District must be a hell of a lot higher than it looks like it is in Ciudad Juarez.
PrincessLissa said:

If having pizza and flat screen TV's is a "human right" than dammit, where the hell is mine? I can't afford pizza and falt screen TV's.

FFS they are prisoners. I want me a pizza and a flat screen.
Good. Inmates in top security prisons should be treated worse than dogs. They are there for actions they willfully committed. Fuck 'em. If and when they get out, then they can have TV, pizza, mobile phones, and hours long sex sessions with whatever will lie still for them. Until then, time to make toothpicks out of logs, boys.
Sell off the flat-screen TVs and all the comfy crap that are used to placate the 'guests of correctional facilities' and use the funds to hire more guards and arm them correctly.

That don't need to 'placate' the 'guests' and jail will actually begin meaning something again.
Those services are not paid by the goverment nor the prison.

The immates pay for it.
Doesn't matter, they shouldn't have access to them in the first place. They violated someones rights in one way or another and as such should have their own revoked for the duration of the sentence =/
Luis G said:
Those services are not paid by the goverment nor the prison.

The immates pay for it.

Using money they bilked lonely and desperate "pen pals" out of, most likely.

Prisoners have the right to food, shelter, clothing, oxygen, and occupying space with body mass. Beyond that, everything is a priviledge. The sooner that is made crystal clear, the better off society as a whole will be.
Raven said:
Doesn't matter, they shouldn't have access to them in the first place. They violated someones rights in one way or another and as such should have their own revoked for the duration of the sentence =/

I agree. Part of being taken out of society is just that. You have your rights to act in a society taken away. Your new society is jail and it does not give it's people the right to buy things. I mean we have to pay for our shelter in the real world. Do they think they are just there with free rent and an do whatever they want? I don't think so.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Good. Inmates in top security prisons should be treated worse than dogs. They are there for actions they willfully committed. Fuck 'em. If and when they get out, then they can have TV, pizza, mobile phones, and hours long sex sessions with whatever will lie still for them. Until then, time to make toothpicks out of logs, boys.

its not often but I agree all the way with you here
SouthernN'Proud said:
Good. Inmates in top security prisons should be treated worse than dogs. They are there for actions they willfully committed. Fuck 'em. If and when they get out, then they can have TV, pizza, mobile phones, and hours long sex sessions with whatever will lie still for them. Until then, time to make toothpicks out of logs, boys.

People, people our brother from south of the border
pointed out that what we have here is a two-tier prison system
just like the Mexican society at large.

There's the folks that have new cars high cement walls
prisons with pizza beer TV and sex visits

and then there's the rest of the country.

Martha Stewart isn't in Joe's Arpaio's tent city
nor does she have a bunk mate named Michaela
that gives her wiffle ball bat cuchi's every night.