No treats from Obama

wow that's funny.

hey maybe we could move this to the real world?

seems like its filth is seeping out into the rest of the place...
I wonder how much they had to traumatize that poor dog to get him to do that? I'm sure it was worth it for these fine upstanding nice folks to torture the dog into doing this to make such an important social and political statement!

Worthwhile stupid pet trick....FAIL!
I'll have to agree on the stupid pet trick, and probably the owners beat the living shit out of [it] to condition [it]...but that's one cute dog! Dogs are cool. :thumbup:
There are proper ways to train dogs and it could have been done like that. I just don't see the average church goin' redneck white trash werkin' that way as their normal MO though. Could be but I doubt it....

Dave = right wing crackpot?
That's why I ask...hard to tell from his posts, but the hostility suggests....

Note that I did not say they DID traumatize the dog, but it is a reasonable possibility!

"I wonder" is kind of a dis-qualifier....
randomJACKASS said:
I'm sure it was worth it for these fine upstanding nice folks to torture the dog into doing this to make such an important social and political statement!

randomJACKASS said:
Note that I did not say they DID traumatize the dog, but it is a reasonable possibility!


Dave = right wing crackpot?
