

Too cute for words a matter of fact you can't have a superbowl party.

Churches in Indiana and across the country are scrapping traditional Super Bowl viewing parties in wake of the NFL’s stance that mass viewings of the game on big screen TV’s would violate copyright law.

The issue came to light Thursday when the Star reported that the NFL had told Fall Creek Baptist Church in Indianapolis that its plans for a Super Bowl watch party in front a big screen TV would be illegal.

Some people just have their head so far up their ass that daylight is only a rumor.
I studied copyright law in college. This is major bull malarky. The game is broadcast on a network that is free to receive if one purchases the required equipment to pick up the signal. The copyright owner, in this case CBS and the NFL, have been compensated for their product's broadcast. Handsomely. There is no way this stance will hold water in a court room if the opposing attorney has even a passing familiarity with copyright law.

Now, rebroadcast is another issue. I assume charging a fee for watching the broadcast (cover charge at a bar) would also be a valid issue. Recording it and selling copies is of course right out.

Greed. Plain and simple. They make beaucoup millions from advertising, another buttload in merchandising and licensing fees, and untold revenue from cable outlets like ESPN paying for the rights to air highlight clips, which can only be shown after a certain amount of time beyond the actual event aired on the network. The NFL is the most popular sport in America. This will bite them, hard.
The charging admission thing is the key. If the church wasn't charging admission, what's the difference between a church party and some guy with a 60-inch plasma or a projection TV having his buddies over for the game?
The main concern for the league, Aiello said, is groups that charge admission to watch games and those that use a TV screen larger than 55 inches to show the game

So...a mass viewing on a 54" screen is fine?
What a load of malarky!

Someone in the league's got a case of the 'I have the power and i'll use it' blues.