Nobel Prize Awarded to....Guess, Go On............

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Well-Known Member
Barack Hussein 0bama!!

Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Mmmmm!

World peace at last!!

The Norwegian Nobel Committee on Friday awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2009 to Barak 0bama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to 0bama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons..

The man who accomplished nothing to gain the American presidency but won it because of the color of his skin has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize by the same logic.

Nominations had to be made before February 1. He was only in office for two weeks.

The committee has exposed itself as a political tool used by far left elements to promote their agenda.

I'll just file this under "So What".

Have fun slinging mud.

the record still stands...
I still don't like many that have won this thing.

Maybe it'd do some good though.
Considering that the due date for the nominations was the first of Feb.......
What exactly did he do in the 2 weeks he was "in office" to deserve this?

Same goes for the past 9 months. :shrug:
And what might that be?

The US dollar is weaker than it's been ... ever. US tourist are less welcome than ever worldwide. Bush was portrayed in the Int'l media as a warmonger ... and within one year, his successor is lauded with the Nobel, after being seen humbling himself before other int'l leaders ... after his city suffered a spectacular loss in it's olympic bid.

Change. It's not always for the good.
Considering that the due date for the nominations was the first of Feb.......
What exactly did he do in the 2 weeks he was "in office" to deserve this?

[James Cromwell IRobot] That, is the correct question. [/]
Obama, as a symbol of the advancement of the African American in the course of human affairs alone is a significant thing. He can be considered great just for his status as a symbol before you really consider who he actually is.
What if....

Every comedy starts with a couple of guys tossing out a series of increasingly ridiculous "What if?" questions, until they get to the most idiotic reductio ad absurdum imaginable. So here goes:

What if a guy nobody's ever heard of, from Hawaii no less, with a Muslim African father and a Muslim Indonesian stepfather and a mom from Kansas named Stanley inexplicably glides from Punahou to a short sheep-dip at Occidental to the Frankfurt School's favorite Ivy League haunt, Columbia, to Harvard Law? What if he's such an arrogant, aloof suckup of no particular ability or accomplishment that his fellow students openly ridicule him with the invention of the "Obamamometer," which measures epic brown-nosing on a scale from one to ten? What if he's blissfully unaware of his own deficiencies, and instead comes to believe that he's earned everything that's come his way — or ever will?

And what if this guy — let's give him a patently implausible, comically grandiose name like "Barack Hussein Obama II" — moves to . . . New Jersey? Arkansas? No, I've got it — Chicago, Ill. — falls in with . . . wait for it . . . former domestic-terrorist fugitives, adopts a racist pastor to burnish his hitherto-nonexistent "Christian" credentials, and becomes, say, a state senator? Even better: a U.S. senator! And what if he gets a guy named . . . Jake Lingle, yes, that's it! — to use his Chicago Tribune connections to destroy not one but two opponents, both over divorce records! And what if this obscure senator, after less than two years in Washington and with a grand total of one speech to his credit, decides to run for president on a platform of "fundamental change?"

What if his opponent is a creaky, cranky, cantankerous old fart who hates his own party and then — I know this bit is unbelievable but we're still spit-balling here — out of the blue selects some dizzy moose-hunting dame from . . . Alaska! . . . to be his running mate? And what if she electrifies his doomed candidacy (heck, even he doesn't really seem to want to win) and sends him vaulting into the lead in the polls? What if he's on the verge of actually defeating BO2 when Barry's media pals lay down some serious covering fire and then, mysteriously, the booming U.S. economy collapses almost overnight as George Soros strokes a white cat and chuckles menacingly?

And then, what if the "change" this Hussein guy's been preaching actually turns out to be real? Imagine the yucks of disbelief we can get as he nationalizes the banks, takes over two of the three auto companies, appoints a host of unconfirmable "czars" to supplant the Cabinet and make policy? What if he skyrockets the deficit, sends the unemployment rate soaring, demolishes the dollar, tries to ram trillion-dollar "health-care" and "cap and trade" bills through a collaborationist Congress, has his Speaker of the House — let's call her "Maerose Prizzi" — float a VAT tax, hires a new general in Afghanistan and then hangs him on a clothesline, soul-shakes with Hugo Chavez, cracks down on those pesky Israelis, and plays footsie under the negotiating table with the Iranians?

What if he then flies to Copenhagen with . . . Oprah! . . . and single-handedly secures the Olympic Games for his beloved hometown of Chicago? Nah, too easy.

What if he then . . . after less than two weeks of eligibility . . . wins the Nobel Peace Prize? Top that!!

Starring Damon Wayans as BHO, Dr. Phil as Jake Lingle, and Anunciata d'Alesandro Pelosi as Maerose Prizzi, with Randy Quaid as Joe Scarborough, Linda Kozlowski as Mika Brzezinski, Bette Midler as Andrea Mitchell, and David Alan Grier as Don "No Soul" Simmons, er, I mean Jonathan Capehart. Mike Myers, of course, plays Dr. Evil. Featuring the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy as the hapless straight men.

Only one question: What happens in Act 2? As the poet said, dying is easy, comedy is hard.
Consider this...

Only two other sitting US President shave won the Nobel Peace prize.

Woodrow Wilson, fascist.
Teddy Roosevelt, American Progressive.

Two others have won...
Jiminy Carter
Al Gore (alright, fine, he was only a VP)

So, the Nobel committee is seriously left. Top thsoe off with one name that puts the entire thing in proper perspective....

Yassir Arafat.
"a world without nuclear weapons"

yeah, let's take the weapons away from free, democratic countries, so if any dictator can get his hands on one, we'll all be at his mercy.

Should we all cancel our car insurance, and hope that doing so prevents car accidents?

I mean, having nuclear capabilities for the past 65-odd years has been so terrible for us. We have never faced a direct military confrontation since then - only guerilla warfare in Asia. Our ability to completely obliterate any military that dares attack us has done a pretty good job keeping us safe, to the point where terrorist crazies, rather than organized military opposition, are our biggest concern.
Meet the People Who Were Passed Over for 0bama

Sima Samar, women's rights activist in Afghanistan: "With dogged persistence and at great personal risk, she kept her schools and clinics open in Afghanistan even during the most repressive days of the Taliban regime, whose laws prohibited the education of girls past the age of eight. When the Taliban fell, Samar returned to Kabul and accepted the post of Minister for Women's Affairs."

Ingrid Betancourt: French-Colombian ex-hostage held for six years.

"Dr. Denis Mukwege: Doctor, founder and head of Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo. He has dedicated his life to helping Congolese women and girls who are victims of gang rape and brutal sexual violence."

Handicap International and Cluster Munition Coalition: "These organizations are recognized for their consistently serious efforts to clean up cluster bombs, also known as land mines. Innocent civilians are regularly killed worldwide because the unseen bombs explode when stepped upon."

"Hu Jia, a human rights activist and an outspoken critic of the Chinese government, who was sentenced last year to a three-and-a-half-year prison term for 'inciting subversion of state power.'"

"Wei Jingsheng, who spent 17 years in Chinese prisons for urging reforms of China's communist system. He now lives in the United States."
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