North American Union??

Luis G

Staff member
Is it true? :eek:


"What we need to do," Pastor instructed, "is forge a new North American Community. ... Instead of stopping North Americans on the borders, we ought to provide them with a secure, biometric Border Pass that would ease transit across the border like an E-ZPass permits our cars to speed through tolls."


The American people never supported NAFTA, and they are angry over Bush's failure to secure the border -- but a shotgun marriage between our two nations appears prearranged. Central feature: a ten-lane, 400-yard-wide NAFTA Super Highway from the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas, up to and across the U.S. border, all the way to Canada. Within the median strip dividing the north and south lanes would be rail lines for both passengers and freight, and oil and gas pipelines.

As author Jerome Corsi describes this Fox-Bush autobahn, container ships from China would unload at Lazaro Cardenas. From there, trucks with Mexican drivers would haul their cargo to a U.S. customs inspection terminal -- in Kansas City, Mo. From there, the trucks would fan out across America or roll on into Canada.

According to Corsi, construction of the Trans-Texas Corridor, the first leg of the NAFTA Super Highway, is to begin next year.

The beneficiaries of this NAFTA Super Highway project would be the contractors who build it and the importers and outlet stores for the Chinese-manufactured goods that would come flooding in. The losers would be U.S. longshoremen, truckers, manufacturers and taxpayers.
Heard about it. Hate it.

Language, borders, culture. All kaput.

I'm with Gonz on this, I am proudly Canadian (an no it is NOT an oxymoron) and would like to maintain my independence from our southern neibours
I don't see a problem with any of these.

Our economy is the only problem I foresee.
A new world order. Thousand points of light. Unsecure borders. Providing instructions to illegals.

It's where we're headed...there or revolution (which 90% of the collective population would be unaware of why we're fighting & why its matters.)
A new world order. Thousand points of light. Unsecure borders. Providing instructions to illegals.

It's where we're headed...there or revolution (which 90% of the collective population would be unaware of why we're fighting & why its matters.)

a great ditopian world....
Providing instructions to illegals.

They wouldn't be illegals then :p

Just making some numbers, we have a trillion dollar economy and one of the lowest unemployment rates (2.95% if memory serves me right) in the continent. It shouldn't make more people flee than it already does.

btw, I think the north american union doesn't mean a new whole country, it would be much like the european union.
They wouldn't be illegals then :p

Just making some numbers, we have a trillion dollar economy and one of the lowest unemployment rates (2.95% if memory serves me right) in the continent. It shouldn't make more people flee than it already does.

btw, I think the north american union doesn't mean a new whole country, it would be much like the european union.

the moment we share a currency, and common laws we are doomed, the inflation in mexico would be disasteous to the poor. The union is more than just economics, and that is the only kind of union we need.

We have nafta and other trade agreements to handle that, in a closer union....there would be trouble.
Heard about it. Hate it.

Language, borders, culture. All kaput.

You know, you never cease to amaze me with the dichotmy (sp?) of your reasoning.

How can you, with a straight face and a clear conscience, sit there and preach about maintaining independence out of one side of your mouth and then turn around and spout off about how right it was to deny us ours?

Your sacred central government tried and is still trying to eradicate our language/dialect. Our borders were invaded en masse to enforce a preposterously unjust tarriff designed to keep the industrialists rich and the materials suppliers impoverished. Our culture? Ridiculed, suppressed, under constant attack from every conceivable front. But that's acceptable, because as anyone knows, Southerners are something less than the rest of us.

But you oppose it when your ways are called to question. Try dictionary dot com, under the H's, almost the last entry. I trust you'll find it.

If Union was right in 1861, it's right today. And when it happens, and they eventually outlaw, say...home schooling, you'll be crying like a little bitch, lamenting what was taken from you in the name of a system of government you oppose. And I will literally laugh until I piss myself. You'll start making the same arguments I make, but suddenly they'll be correct...because it's YOUR lifestyle and heritage and culture and customs and art and dialect and history that's being suppressed. In fact, you're already doing it, aren't you? How's it feel? How's it feel to know that your kids will learn a false history, written by Julio Mendez or some such? To know that their kids will never know your way of life? To know that they will be taught that everything you stand for is alien and wrong and incorrect and outdated and useless and laughable? That try as you might, you will never be able to completely and properly relay to them what life could have held for them...if only.

Cue Axl Rose....bring you to your na-na-na-na-na-knees...knees...

But be of good cheer. There will be organizations, like the Sons of American Survivors or the League of the United States, that about .005% of the population will involved with, and you can be active there, and sit around and lick your wounds and cry over spilled milk together and wonder what went wrong. You can protest the renaming of the Washington Monument to the Multi Culti Obelisk. Or see the lincoln Memorial replaced with the Diversity Arboreum. I'm sure that will be quite sufficient for you to celebrate your lost cause in. Right?


And then, the crowning moment. The inevitable replacement of your flag. Damn, that's gonna cut deep ain't it? And you'll buy you a couple to fly from YOUR property, right? But wait...that'll be frowned upon....maybe even illegal. People will talk. They'll point. And a generation later...nobody will stand with you except a few nutcase diehards, like them dumbass rednecks with their flag did. Oh god, that's gonna be rich. Note to self: buy film.

Y'all laugh when I say it'll come home to roost. Keep laughing. Keep looking down the collective nose. It'll haunt you soon enough. As for me and mine....yeah, it'll suck. But we're already living in occupied territory. We're used to it. Won't impact us as much. Most of the rest of the world ignores us except to ridicule us anyway you know. Oppressive uncaring militant rule has been in place for awhile down here. Ol' Hank Jr wasn't far from right...a country boy CAN survive after all. Reckon the pampered brats will make out as well? Think a little traffic fucks up your day do ya? Try a taste of what's coming. Because there is no way in Hell it'll be like it is now. Politicians like them some concessions, ya know. Pockets will be lined, and who's gonna line 'em? Mix up one part Bush, one part Fox, and one part whoever the hell runs Canada (Wayne Gretzky I think...) and see what comes falling out. Won't be pretty. No sir, won't be pretty a'tall. And through it all, I plan to have me a high old time watching.

A real high old time indeed.
How can you, with a straight face and a clear conscience, sit there and preach about maintaining independence out of one side of your mouth and then turn around and spout off about how right it was to deny us ours?

1865 vs 2006
What, precisely, was taken from you? Don't carry on about war crimes...that's par for the course. How would your life be different had the Confederacy won? No matter what you think, I'm not the enemy. I wasn't even there.

I agree that, using writings from the confederate states, that slavery was a major issue. State vs federal rights is a wonderful philospohical argument, one to spend a night or 2 (and a case of whiskey) discussing but in reality, it was only politically expedient to use that. However, the Constitution has a clause expressly allowing rebellion to be suppressed.

Your culture is under attack from the inside, much as OURS is. The differnce is, with our culture you can keep yours.

Gotta go...but I'd be interested in your answers from the opening paragraph.
What, precisely, was taken from you? Don't carry on about war crimes...that's par for the course. How would your life be different had the Confederacy won? No matter what you think, I'm not the enemy. I wasn't even there.

How would my life be different? Read our constitution sometime.

Not only would my life be vastly different, but so would yours, and eveyone else's. We would not have a federal government with its hands in everything from our wallets to our classrooms. Appomattox altered the entire course of government in this country. We went from a constitutional republic to a democracy overnight.

Then, there's the other way to answer your question. Spend a few years down here. Experience the assassination of our icons, our heritage, our customs.

I agree that, using writings from the confederate states, that slavery was a major issue.

Never said it wasn't. Just not the end all, be all. And with a little reading, it's clear that that institution was on its way out. Dead horse.

State vs federal rights is a wonderful philospohical argument, one to spend a night or 2 (and a case of whiskey) discussing but in reality, it was only politically expedient to use that.

Easy to say from up there. It was expressly mentioned in the same documents that mentioned slavery. Guess you just glossed over that doesn't fit the mythology. In fact, the two are tied at the waist. Again, read. It's all there.

However, the Constitution has a clause expressly allowing rebellion to be suppressed.

From a country born of rebellion. How convenient.

Your culture is under attack from the inside, much as OURS is. The differnce is, with our culture you can keep yours.

Since when? Now you gonna support me flying my flag? Now you gonna knock off the redneck jokes? Now you gonna start slapping people who make hillbilly (to use your pet term) remarks? Now you gonna stop rolling your eyes when you hear an Appalachian Highlands accent?

No way. I ain't buying it, and neither does anybody else with functional brain cells. Teachers in classrooms every day tell our kids that their dialect is wrong. Wrong. I've heard it my entire life. I can speak properly, I just choose not to 99% of the time. I am not ashamed of who I am, where I'm from, or what it represents. I have no reason to be.

If you want to convince me that Southern heritage, culture, and customs are somehow valued by anyone outside here, you got a long ass row to hoe pal. I know better and so do you.

Now, how about answering some of the questions I asked? I'm all atwitter too, and somewhat tired of being on the defensive every time.