North Korea now a full fledged nuclear power


Well-Known Member
We shall see how Obama deals with this intel. He will find himself in the same boat as Bush in having to depend on foreign intel for his information. No one has seen a nuke. No one knows the actual location of a nuke. But the intel shows that there is a weapon od mass destruction somewhere in NK which can be used to wipe out a city.

Right war? Wrong war? Right place? Wrong place? Right time? Wrong time?

Oh, what to do, what to do.


Experts: North Korea a Fully Fledged Nuclear Power

Friday, April 24, 2009

The world’s intelligence agencies and defense experts are quietly acknowledging that North Korea has become a fully fledged nuclear power with the capacity to wipe out entire cities in Japan and South Korea, the Times of London reported.

The new reality has emerged in off-hand remarks and in single sentences buried in lengthy reports. Increasing numbers of authoritative experts — from the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to the U.S. Defense Secretary — are admitting that North Korea has miniaturized nuclear warheads to the extent that they can be launched on medium-range missiles, according to intelligence briefings.

This puts it ahead of Iran in the race for nuclear attack capability and seriously alters the balance of power between North Korea’s large but poorly equipped military and the South Korean and U.S. forces ranged against it. “North Korea has nuclear weapons, which is a matter of fact,” the head of the IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, said this week. “I don’t like to accept any country as a nuclear weapon state we have to face reality.”

North Korea carried out an underground nuclear test in 2006 but until recently foreign governments believed that such nuclear devices were useless as weapons because they were too unwieldy to be mounted on a missile.

With 13,000 artillery pieces buried close to the border between the two Koreas, and chemical and biological warheads, it was always understood that the North could inflict significant conventional damage on Seoul, the South Korean capital. Military planners had calculated, however, that it could not strike outside the peninsula.

Now North Korea’s supreme leader, Kim Jong Il, has the potential to kill millions in Japan as well as the South, and to lay waste U.S. bases and airfields in both countries. It will force military strategists to rethink plans for war in Korea and significantly increase the potential costs of any intervention in a future Korean war. The shift from acknowledging North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program to recognizing it as a fully fledged nuclear power is highly controversial. South Korea, in particular, resists the reclassification because it could give the North greater leverage in negotiations.

Click here to read the full story from the Times of London.
I know what you will do, you will panic and wet yourself like all the cons. I'm pretty sure Obama will handle it with a calm cool head.

But by all means, work yourself into a full scale lather and panic as if the sky was falling!
NK can barely launch a decent missile...and certainly not one that can evade anti-missile systems (such as they are).

They may well be nuclear now, and they're certainly unbalanced..but suicidal? I think not.
It's a chip in the great poker game -

NK has a serious issue with food shortages and fuel shortages. They desperately need a bargaining chip to get those things, all the while looking like they 'forced the hand of the world'.
this is not news.

it's been several years now that everyone has pretty much know that if the NKs really wanna, they can dump a nuke on tokyo.

the real question is, why did the previous administration allow this to happen?

oh, right, they were busy fighting a useless unbudgeted $2 trillion war elsewhere.

but it's okay that those guys did that. cuz they're all macho 'n shit. not like these pussy liberals we got in there now, who

well, at least they won't choke on pretzels when they fall off the wagon. :cocktail:
Yeah. Everyone knows that if Gore had won, NK would be about as nuclear as New Zealand right now.
no dude, gore would have saved us from everything. including ourselves.

but you gotta admit, the whole tough guy republican thing kinda looks silly when you look at what bush let happen.

sure, the same shit woulda happened if superprick had won that election instead.

and you know there's a few chimps around here that would be cursing his name with unyielding vigor if he'd have allowed the same things bush did.

oh noes it is double standard! the all-powerful liberal media is out to get me!
typical insane conservative said:
Pussy liberal 0bama will probably taunt NK and invite them to fuck with us then lay down and take whatever they dish out! All dims want to make this a communist country that lays down for any and all abuse! I bet if NK fired nukes at us 0bama would say, "thank you sir, may I have another?" This country has been sold to the liberal media and is now doormat to the world!

There conservatives of the board, I posted all the things I know you are thinking for you! Now you can relax and have the day off!
NK can barely launch a decent missile...and certainly not one that can evade anti-missile systems (such as they are). like missle defenses then. Me too. Go Reagan!!

They may well be nuclear now, and they're certainly unbalanced..but suicidal? I think not.

Maybe not the chonger, but I know another guy who will go nuclear soon and he is suicidal, something about releasing the 12th Imam and all. How will MAD work then? BTW, the Taliban is just 60 miles away from going nuclear themselves. Comfy now?

NK has a serious issue with food shortages and fuel shortages. They desperately need a bargaining chip to get those things, all the while looking like they 'forced the hand of the world'.

The last thing the Chonger wants is for his people to get food. People are less uppity when they are hungry. like missle defenses then. Me too. Go Reagan!!

Maybe not the chonger, but I know another guy who will go nuclear soon and he is suicidal, something about releasing the 12th Imam and all. How will MAD work then? BTW, the Taliban is just 60 miles away from going nuclear themselves. Comfy now?

The last thing the Chonger wants is for his people to get food. People are less uppity when they are hungry.

What a paranoid little bizzarro world you live in! Better you than me I suppose!

I know conservatives like you hope and pray that one of these countries attacks someone, particularly us, so that you can get another chest beating, bible thumping, whack job in office, gut freedom and stack the supreme court, and re-write the constitution in your twisted image. I know you desperately desire this, not only so you can say "I told ya so", but also so we can get back to our regularly scheduled war, and again be the policemen of the world (biggest bully on the block). I just don't think it will happen any time soon. I'm sorry, I know it hurts, but suck it up will you? That's why your guy lost the election ya know?!?

And honestly whether you believe so or not, I wasn't so much pro Obama as I was anti McCain/psycho soccer momma, and I am still skeptical on the economy, I like the guy more than I expected to on foreign policy. At least he realizes that we live in a global community and its in everyone's best interests to cooperate, and that because we are Americans does not automatically make us right. Incidentally, so does most of the rest of the country....

you mean this...

A dirty, greasy Latino male who loves to act tough and mean, but is often perceived as an individual who lacks proper hygiene and is not nearly as threatening as a cholo, which appears to be the same by physical appearance. They usually have on white shirts, gold chains, long blue jean shorts, white socks up to the knees, and some kind of tennis shoe. Chongers are often looked down upon, as they usually look the part but are all talk and no fight.
Man, whatever he\'s not scary, he\'s just a chonger.
There conservatives of the board, I posted all the things I know you are thinking for you! Now you can relax and have the day off!

Thankyou, Jackass. Now I have time to meditate on "The Truth"


Well seems like we need to beef up our missile defenses!

Ain't no such thing as too much defense spending like missle defenses then. Me too. Go Reagan!!

Maybe not the chonger, but I know another guy who will go nuclear soon and he is suicidal, something about releasing the 12th Imam and all. How will MAD work then? BTW, the Taliban is just 60 miles away from going nuclear themselves. Comfy now?

The last thing the Chonger wants is for his people to get food. People are less uppity when they are hungry.
Not the defense shield/lasers from space from Ronald Raygun™ - but you've got ships in the area with anti-missile missiles. More than enough.

I think that you lost me ont eh Chonger mean Kim Jong Il? The other guy being Ahmadinejad? He's a bit nutty too, but not suicidal. He's also got weak missiles. I worry more about Pakistan, India and Israel being nuclear nations..and somewhat whack.

The last thing Kim Jong Il wants is a hungry army...they tend to revolt. He's more interested in oil than food...but I'm sure you'll agree that food helps.

Still doesn't discount my argument that this is nothing more than a ploy to get attention and try and raise some trade sanctions while retaining power.