North Korea sets down it's rules for stopping it's nuclear plan


Well-Known Member
SEOUL, South Korea - [size=-1]North Korea (news - web sites) said Tuesday it will freeze its nuclear weapons program if Washington takes the communist country off its list of terrorism-sponsoring nations and provides fuel aid. [/size]

Fuel aid means something in excess of 147 million gallons of fuel per year given to N.Korea by the USA.

Freeze means stop where they are and not advance, but if they already own the nuke, reproducing it isn't "continuing it's program" any more than using it would be.

IMHO...this is nothing more than a tool used to try to strong-arm the USA into giving out free gas and letting them rule like despots for another few years.
Then don't complain that they have an ongoing nuclear plan. They have to get energy from somewhere. We're the ones playing games with this. They're just trying not to freeze to death.
Honestly, I couldn't care less if they have an ongoing nuclear plan. It's not like they are really going to stop anyway, so what's the difference. As for freezing to death, well, I suppose if they hadn't been the bullies they were, they wouldn't be in the postion they are in. I know, you're thinking of the people when it's the rulers fault, and I agree to a point, but we can't support the people without supporting the rulers.
Besides, do you really trust North Korea to keep its promises? I have a feeling they would just take their nuke program underground... or buy some of the info the Chinese stole from us during the Clinton administration.
I have no problem with that, PT. i just don't like to hear those who think we should block them from getting fuel and make them shut down their nuclear program. North Koreans are people too...:shrug:
Yeah, they are people too, and the fact is that most of the people probably don't support or just don't know any better to know that a change is even possible, they are simply living their lives in the home that is thiers. I just think if we are going to be giving stuff away, there are more deserving countries out there. Not necessarily countries that fall in line with what W says, just countries that treat thier people better. To give fuel to N. Korea, we would almost certainly just be making the officials richer, and not really helping the ones that need the help anyway.
All NK knows how to do is strongarm. They've done it to us in the past and under the same administration they'll do it again. I see no need to cut a bargain with NK since they've already proven themselves untrustworthy. If they actually decide to take action, ie, halting their support of terrorism, quit kidnapping Japanese citizens and return the citizens they've already kidnapped, then maybe we can talk turkey. Until then i see no reason to give them something for nothing. You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. If it were another NK administration i might be more inclined to give them a chance at blind trust but until then action speaks louder than words.
I have no Idea? Really now. Ok, I have no idea that I spend an average of $185 a month on Gasoline. I have no idea that my average Natural Gas bill is $210. I just have no idea at all.
If you scroll to the bottom of the graph at this link, you'll see the US pays far less for gasoline than most of Western Europe:

for instance, for the week of November 24, 2003, here are Weekly Retail Premium Gasoline Prices (Including Taxes) in US dollars, per gallon: Belgium 4.50; France 4.44; Germany 4.76; Italy 4.65; Netherlands 5.08; UK 4.86; US 1.70
Shit, I guess I just wouldn't drive anymore. Sure as shit couldn't live 50 miles from work anymore.
PuterTutor said:
I have no Idea? Really now. Ok, I have no idea that I spend an average of $185 a month on Gasoline. I have no idea that my average Natural Gas bill is $210. I just have no idea at all.

Assuming an exchange rate of $1.50 to £1 I pay approximately $4.80 per gallon for standard unleaded petrol/gasoline.

I stand by my comment.
Though I feel I should probably add that it wasn' meant in a derogatory way. Just an expression of dismay at living with a government of thieving bastards...
Gotnolegs said:
Though I feel I should probably add that it wasn' meant in a derogatory way. Just an expression of dismay at living with a government of thieving bastards...

Too many taxes & too many eco-treaties. Take your government back (well, just take it, it was never the peoples to begin with).

Squiggy said:
Then don't complain that they have an ongoing nuclear plan. They have to get energy from somewhere. We're the ones playing games with this. They're just trying not to freeze to death.


Like Kim Jung Il gives a shit about his people. He wants Seoul back. He's been a thorn in the side of the west since his daddy ran the country into the ground. They weren't a threat worth worrying about until the 2 C's got involved & GAVE him nuclear capabilities.
Gonz said:
Too many taxes & too many eco-treaties. Take your government back (well, just take it, it was never the peoples to begin with).

Yeah we have a lot of taxes, but then we have a lot of benefits. We have a heath service that is completely free at the point of delivery, we have vicarious liability for heath care professionals employed by the state. We have an excellent network of roads that are toll free, and a passable public transport network.

Too many eco-treaties is a different thing altogether. IMHO it isn't possible to have too many. We have an obligation to try not to destroy the planet we live on, it isn't difficult to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it is simply laziness and a complete lack of responsibility on the part of industry to allow things to carry on the way they have up til now.

I'd also be interested to know how it is that our governmment was nevver ours in the first place...
Ms Ann Thrope said:
for instance, for the week of November 24, 2003, here are Weekly Retail Premium Gasoline Prices (Including Taxes) in US dollars, per gallon: Belgium 4.50; France 4.44; Germany 4.76; Italy 4.65; Netherlands 5.08; UK 4.86; US 1.70

That's not news. What I want to know is how much Americans would pay compared to Europeans if all taxes were stripped away from prices in both regions. Five bucks (or a gallon of gas over there :D) says the prices would be reasonably comparable.