norway shootings

It is an interesting story for sure, but it doesn't sound much like a Christian act to me.

Of course the reporting of the "blue eyed, blonde haired, fundamental Christian" makes sense to include, although I don't seem to remember much reporting of the "brown eyed, dark skinned, Islamic fundamentalist yelling Allah hu Akbar" as he shot 32 of fellow soldiers?

His 5 day old facebook account is awful damning, but what about his 2 year old membership on a nazi forum? Nazi and commie have a history of battling it out for the types that like that socialist/communist society.
Just another Muslim terrorist attack

At least we wont have to trudge though her antics anymore.

Those silly right wingers in europe are still lefty's here in the US.
I like how everyone is going out of their way to say it wasn't an Islamic radical. Tim McVeigh was the exception proving the rule. This is much the same. I can't imagine Lutheran garbage collectors jumping for joy & praising Allah.

As for Amy Winehouse, I actually really liked her stuff. Found her an intriguing talent. Too bad it was wasted in drink & drugs.
Police say he was arrested by security forces at the Labor Party youth camp

yeah...that doesn't sound right-wing to me.
Seems they jumped awful fast to lable this guy.
They tried to do it with Loughner, but couldn't.
I think he wanted to poonish the lefty commies ruining Norway, thus kill their kids. His actions were more guided by a Nordic cultural purity perspective as opposed to a religious or political motivation. (I don't think his method will help to further his cause)

What is funny is the effort to somehow smear the American Right with this guy (I'm looking at you and spike minxy). How long before they try and try to blame Palin or paint the TeaParty with this brush? -- Before sundown if not already.

What is funny is the effort to somehow smear the American Right with this guy (I'm looking at you and spike minxy).

blow me. reread the OP. clearly stated that this guy is just an asshole. hmmm maybe that was the point?

or maybe it's how once again you and you kind are sooooo oppressed. that seems to be what you're most interested in. and you did a great job here. turning "he's a christian right-wing extremist but that doesn't matter" into a broader plot to attack your poor downtrodden people.

I could, but I don't think you'll enjoy it much at all.
or maybe it's how once again you and you kind are sooooo oppressed. that seems to be what you're most interested in. and you did a great job here. turning "he's a christian right-wing extremist but that doesn't matter" into a broader plot to attack your poor downtrodden people.
Oh it matters alright. You're just one of the many filled liberally with hate for us.

interesting guy.

Even winks might find god for a slot in the crusade v10.0

I will say I don't agree with his methodology, however I think he is quite bright and is spot on much of his assessment of the situation. This guy is no Jarred Loughner fer shur.

Whats funny is that your folks demand we must be tolerant and accepting of Islam, that we can't say bad things about Islam. -- Whats ideas do you promote in the world that might of helped to bring on this tragedy?

We live in interesting times.
Your link cited his facebook page describing him as a "right-wing Christian fundamentalist" Did he update his page after he got arrested?