Not another homosexual thread


molṑn labé
Staff member
but it's close

Married women are free to have extramarital sexual relations with other women, says the New Hampshire Supreme Court, without being at fault for the break-up of their marriage.

In a 3-2 ruling handed down today, the jurists decided the definition of adultery doesn't include homosexual sex, but requires heterosexual intercourse to have taken place.

w00t! :headbang:


really though, the law may say so, but really that's all up to the parties in the couple...the man's point of view on the subject.
my husband would disagree......course, i'm not sure how i'd feel if he were to sleep with a man...i dunno....i'm an oddball but if that's what he wanted to do i wouldn't stop him...*shrugs* tis a strange situation to suppose upon.
So if my woman would choose to exploit the luscious Miss Amber from down the block... its cool... but if I would join them... thats grounds for divorce? Cripes...

*throws a shoe at New Hampshire*
i wouldnt mind my g/f or wife having sex wiht other women as long as she loved me. and i wouldnt want her to be wiht a man
The difference is a child from questionable bloodlineage...Thats what drives this sorted mess. Thats why the man was allowed to assume the worst in these situations. There is never a doubt who the birth-mother is. There is never a certainty as to the father....Unless, of course, you go the DNA route...
So it's okay to fuck around as long as you don't present children? I take my vows seriously, as does my wife. Sex outside our commitment is cheating.
Gonz said:
So it's okay to fuck around as long as you don't present children? I take my vows seriously, as does my wife. Sex outside our commitment is cheating.

But that is why it is held to such the time the 'marriage' ceremony was created, there wasn't much need to consider alternative sex...It was assumed that if she cheated, it was with a man...Not justifying anything here. Just offering the explaination.
kind of reminds me of the victorian homosexuality laws in the uk. It might be an old wives tale but it was often said that Queen Victoria didn't believe lesbianism existed as they had nothing to perform sexual pentration with [as compared to male homosexual relationships, which were illegal for many decades under the same laws], as a result lesbianism was not part of the law.

could all be bollocks but still amusing if true.
if i am told by her that she wont be satisfied ill understand but i will do the same. my only relationship was monogomous but that was because i didnt want to hurt her and vice-versa. but ive known people to be in more than one relationship and care about all the people they are dating. its a different way of seeing things.
I think that having many relationships all at once is bollocks.

Isn't the whole point of dating to find a life mate? If you're not looking for that than you may aswell just sleep around. If you're not looking for forever (I am not saying MARRIAGE, I am saying a life long relationship...marriage...common-law...whatever one prefers) then there is no point in deeming what you have a "relationship". It's not a relationship when you have many of's sleeping around...hanging out with many people...are you gonna spend your entire life having multiple relationships at once? You never wanna settle down? Then you'll just DATE but that isn't relationships...if it's a relationship then it's monogomous...or...if both parties wanna bring another or others in to join them TOGETHER sometimes I'd still consider that relationship (I also consider it stupid in my's just a brewing ground for jealousy when you actually care about one of the people). If you wanna be with others and with that person than like I's not a "relationship"
Oh, and on the original point of the thread...cheating is cheating IMHO. In today's society love knows no gender. There are many many people who are homosexual or bisexual. We as a whole are accepting of much more than we were in the past. Although I am straight I reconize that a gay or lesbian relationship is as real as a relationship between a man and a woman and thus lesbian encounters while in a monogomous heterosexual relationship are just as real as heterosexual encounters with someone other than your significant other in the same tpe of relationship...
unclehobart said:
Is it still cheating if they film it for you and hand you a 30 VHS tape retrospective for Christmas?
Hmmm.... That makes it really tough. If it were DVD, definitely not.
I heard a little bit about this on the radio. One person who called in mentioned that this whole thing might be a way to discredit same-sex unions. If homosexual sex doesn't even fall under the terms of Adultery because it's not considered a 'real relationship', then same-sex marriage shouldn't be considered at all, for the same reasons.

Seems more like a conspiracy theory, but you never know how politicians think, eh?